
The Leaves component allows you to add a stack of leaves, with each subsequent leaf shorter than the previous one.

The longest leaf in the spring which has the spring eyes is the master leaf. The other leaves are graduated leaves. The Leaves component has details of those attributes that you can vary and can enter them in tables or in .csv files. With every update that is made, the Help section changes accordingly.
Figure 1. Leaves Component - Leaf Data

Adding Master Leaf
The information that has to be entered in the Shape Input and Details tabs is explained in the following sections.


The shape of a leaf can be defined by either entering the data manually in the table or by importing a pre-defined .csv file. Once you import a pre-defined .csv file, the data is updated in the table and the corresponding graphics are displayed in the Canvas section.
Represents the x coordinate of leaf profile
Represents the z coordinate of leaf profile.
Defines the leaf width.
Tip: For constant width, only the first row needs to have the appropriate value, the rest of the rows must be zeroes.
Defines the leaf thickness.
Tip: For constant thickness, only the first row needs to have the appropriate value, the rest of the rows must be zeroes.
Defines the side fillet radius.
Tip: For constant radius, only the first row needs to have the appropriate value, the rest of the rows must be zeroes.
Constant Width
Select to have the same values appear along the entire length of the leaf.
Constant Thickness
Select to have the same values appear along the entire length of the leaf.
Constant Radius
Select to have the same values appear along the entire length of the leaf.
Save Leaf Shape
Saves the entered leaf data in a .csv file format.
Figure 2. Leaf Data - Shape Tab

Refer to Shape Input for Leaf Property File section (below) for more information on how it is represented in the TiemOrbit file format.


The options used in the Details tab are explained below.
Figure 3. Leaf Data - Details Tab

Position in Stack
Defines the position of the leaf in a leaf stack, in simple terms the serial number.
Defines the type of a leaf.
  • Master: The top leaf in the spring which has the spring eyes.
  • Graduated: Remaining leaves are called as Graduated leaves, with varying lengths.
  • Rebound: Any leaf that appears above the master leaf and is part of the pack.
  • Auxiliary: These are usually the helper leaf modeled at the bottom of the pack, to provide additional stiffness, whenever system is at a certain jounce.
Figure 4. Available Leaf Types

Defines the material used in a leaf.
Front Leaf Length
This is a read-only field and its values are auto-calculated. It provides length for the front half of the leaf from the center bolt.
Rear Leaf Length
This is a read-only field and its values are auto-calculated. It provides length for the rear half of the leaf from the center bolt.

For leaves with eyes, the length (Front/Rear) will be up to the point where the leaf starts curving into the eye profile. In other words, it indicates that length of the leaf which needs to be discretized using beam elements.

No. of Beams in front
Represents the number of beam elements that will make up the front half of the leaf.
No. of Beams in rear
Represents the number of beam elements that will make up the rear half of the leaf.
Shear Area Ratio Y
Defines the shear ratio along Y direction.

Specifies the shear area ratio in the y direction for Timoshenko beams. This quantity accounts for shear deflection in the Y direction. This is defined as:

Qy is the first moment of the cross-sectional area to be sheared by a force in the y direction. lz is the cross section dimension in the z direction. Iyy is the area moment of inertia about the beam y-axis. To neglect shear deformation in the y-direction, set ASY=0. ASY ≥ 0

Shear Area Ratio Z
Defines the shear ratio along Z direction.

Specifies the shear area ratio in the z direction for Timoshenko beams. This quantity accounts for shear deflection in the Z direction. This is defined as:

Qz is the first moment of the cross-sectional area to be sheared by a force in the z direction. ly is the cross section dimension in the y direction. Izz is the area moment of inertia about the beam z-axis. To neglect shear deformation in the z-direction, set ASZ=0. ASZ ≥ 0

Angle with x-axis
Angle of the leaf with x-axis that is positive in the counter-clockwise direction and negative in the clockwise direction.
Figure 5. Detailed Leaf Spring for Leaf Details

Refer to the Leaf List for Leaf Property file section for more information on how it is represented in the TiemOrbit file format.

Bolt Location

Bolt Location is required only if the shape condition is Pre-Assembly. It provides the bolt location of a leaf as its reference location and generates correct leaf profiles from Pre-Assembly shape condition.
Figure 6.

Refer to the Bolt Location for Leaf Property file section for more information on how it is represented in the TiemOrbit file format.

Adding Additional Leaves to the Leaf Stack (Graduated and Auxiliary Leaves)

Additional leaves can be added to the Leaves component and you must define the necessary points in the contact table to have contact between the upper leaves.
Figure 7. Leaves - Leaf Data

The information to be entered in the Contacts and Tip Contacts tabs is explained below.
Note: Please refer to the sections above for information regarding the Shape and Details tabs.

Contact Points

Contact points provide contact between the current leaf and upper leaf. In this section, define the number of contact points and enter the required data in the table.
The first leaf does not have contact points because it has no leaf to push against, above it.
Figure 8. Leaf Data - Contacts Tab

Contact Number
Defines the serial number of contact points which should be unique for the front and rear direction.
Defines the direction of contact from the center bolt.
Distance from Center
Defines the distance of contact from the center bolt along the leaf length in either front/rear direction. While mentioning this, you will have to note the lengths of the current leaf and the leaf above it.
Contact Type
Defines the label of the contact properties that you have define in the contact properties component.

Refer to the Contact Table for Leaf Property File (*lpf) section for more information on how it is represented in the TiemOrbit file format.

Tip Contacts

Tip Liners
Tip liners are usually present in the leaf ends. Tip liners influence how the spring works. They are used to reduce the interleaf friction. Depending your needs, tip liners may have to be invoked. Tip liners can be at both ends or at one, as per your requirement.
The options used for Circular type are explained below:
Defines the shape of the tip liner.
Defines the radius of the tip liner.
Defines the thickness of the tip liner.
Contact Properties
Defines the label of the contact properties that you have defined in the contact properties component.
Figure 9. Leaf Data - Tip Contacts Tab with Tip Liner Option 'Off'

Figure 10. Leaf Data - Tip Contacts Tab with Tip Liner Option 'On'

The options used for Rectangular type are explained below:
Defines the shape of the tip liner.
Defines the thickness of the tip liner.
Defines the width of the tip liner.
Defines the depth along the leaf.
Contact Properties
Defines the label of the contact properties that you have defined in the contact properties component.
Figure 11. Tip Liner Fields in Leaf Details

Refer to the Tipliner Front/Tipliner Rear for Leaf Property File (*lpf) section for more information on how it is represented in the TiemOrbit file format.

Leaves Block for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

Leaf List for Leaf Property File (*lpf)
In the Leaf List block of Leaf Property file, the Leaves Table sub-block attribute, type, and valid value to be entered in TiemOrbit file format are detailed in the following table. This table also provides information about the mandatory requirements for attributes. An example of how a Leaf List block is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below:
Note: The number of leaves mentioned in the General Input block should match the number of leaves you enter in the Leaves Table. The Leaves Table sub-block can have any number of leaves but the Leaf Spring Builder will generate only those leaves that are mentioned in the General Input block.

For example, if the No. of leaves = 2, but a leaf list table has 3 leaves in its table, the Leaf Spring Builder will evaluate only the first two leaves of the table.

1      LEAF1      MASTER      596.325      604.14     15      15      STEEL    
2      LEAF2      GRADUATED   548.0        560.0      15      15      STEEL    
3      LEAF3      GRADUATED   457.0        463.0      15      15      STEEL    
4      LEAF4      AUXILIARY   337.0        343.0      15      15      STEEL    
Block Name = ‘LEAF_LIST’ (Required)
Sub-block Name = ‘LEAVES_TABLE’ (Required)
Attributes Type Valid Value Required
Leafno Integer 1, 2, 3 … Yes
Label String Any unique label for each leaf. Yes
leafType String Master




frontLength Real - Yes
rearLength Real - Yes
noOfBeamsFront Integer - Yes
noOfBeamsRear Integer - Yes
Material String - Yes

Leaf Label for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

In the leaf label (Leaf1) block of Leaf Property file, the attribute, type, and valid value that has to be entered in TiemOrbit file format are detailed in the following table. This table also provides information about the mandatory requirements for attributes. An example of how a Leaf Label (Leaf1) block is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below:
Note: This block is only required if the block name is mentioned in the “LEAVES_TABLE” sub-block of Leaf List block.
WIDTH = 101.2
Block Name = ‘LeafLabel’ (Required)
Attributes Type Valid Value Description Required
Width Real




width in mm

Defines the leaf width.
Note: If leaf width is variable, use the Keyword = “Variable”. If the width is variable, the third column in the leaf profile data needs to specify the width.
Thickness Real




thickness in mm

Defines the leaf thickness.
Note: If leaf thickness is variable, use the Keyword = “Variable”.
  • If the width and thickness are both variable, the fourth column in the leaf profile data needs to specify the thicknesses.
  • If only thickness is variable, third column in the leaf profile data needs to specify the thicknesses.
Radius Real




thickness in mm

Defines the side fillet radius. Yes
leafRotAngle Real Angle of the leaf with x-axis that is +ve in counter-clockwise direction and vice-versa. Yes
leafProfilePath String ‘None’


File path

Defines the .csv file path at which leaf profile has been defined or you can pass “none” to define a leaf profile curve in the property file. Yes
spacerWidth Real Default Value = 1.1mm Defines the spacer gap between two leaves at the center bolt location. If not mentioned a default value of 1.1mm is used. Yes
ShearRatio Z Real - Defines the shear ratio along Z direction. Optional
ShearRatio Y Real - Defines the shear ratio along Y direction. Optional
MilitaryEyeFrnt String 'TRUE', 'YES', 'T', 'Y' Defines military half wraps full wraps over the main spring eye. This must only be defined in Graduated leaf block. Optional
MilitaryEyeRear String 'TRUE', 'YES', 'T', 'Y' Defines military half wraps full wraps over the main spring eye. This must only be defined in Graduated leaf block. Optional

Each Leaf label block of Leaf Property file has the following sub-blocks.

Shape Input for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

An example of how a Leaf Shape sub-block is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below:
  -596.3248901      164.9118722      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -577.4098511      158.2104867      64.0     -7.0      0.0
  -559.5237427      148.6684792      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -541.5889893      139.214988       64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -523.6109009      129.8471597      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -505.6366882      120.4788278      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -487.6898193      111.0495522      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -469.7354431      101.6322701      64.0      7.0      0.0    
  -451.6985474      92.37851647      64.0      7.0      0.0    

Block Name = ‘LeafLabel’ (Required)
Sub-block Name = ‘LEAFSHAPE’ (Optional)
Attributes Type Valid Value Required
X Real - Yes
Z Real - Yes
Width Real - Optional
Thickness Real - Optional

Contact Table for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

An example of how a contact table sub-block is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below.
  2      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT	     95.0       METAL_METAL    
  3      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT	     155.0      METAL_METAL    
  4      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT	     234.0      METAL_METAL    
  5      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT            311.0      METAL_METAL    
  6      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT            385.0      METAL_METAL    
  7      INTERMEDIATE      FRONT            457.0      METAL_METAL    
  2      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	105.0      METAL_METAL    
  3      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	155.0      METAL_METAL    
  4      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	234.0      METAL_METAL    
  5      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	311.0      METAL_METAL    
  6      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	385.0      METAL_METAL    
  7      INTERMEDIATE      REAR      	457.0      METAL_METAL
Block Name = ‘leafLabel’ (Required)
Sub-block name = ‘CONTACTS_TABLE’ (Optional)
Attributes Type Valid Value Required
contactNo Integer 1, 2, 3… Yes
Position String ‘TIP’,


Direction String ‘FRONT’,


Distance Real ‘NA’



Contact Properties String Default = METAL_METAL Yes
An alternate way of representing a contact table block in a TiemOrbit file is shown below. Rear and front strings defines the direction of contact from the center bolt.
REAR = 5

Tipliner Front/Tipliner Rear for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

An example of how a Tipliner Front/Tipliner Rear sub-block for circular type is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below:

Block Name = ‘leafLabel’ (Required)
Sub-Block Name = ‘TIPLINER_FRONT’ or ’TIPLINER_REAR’ (Optional)
Attributes Type Valid Value Required
Shape String 'CIRCULAR' Yes
Radius Real Less than the leaf width Yes
Thickness Real - Yes
contactProperties String No defaults Yes
An example of how a Tipliner Front/Tipliner Rear sub-block for Rectangular type is represented in a TiemOrbit file format is shown below:
WIDTH = 64
DEPTH = 80
THICKNESS = 18.958

WIDTH = 64
DEPTH = 80
THICKNESS = 18.958
Block Name = ‘leafLabel’ (Required)
Sub-Block Name = ‘TIPLINER_FRONT’ or ’TIPLINER_REAR’ (Optional)
Attributes Type Valid Value Required
Shape String 'RECTANGULAR' Yes
Width Real Less than the leaf width Yes
Thickness Real - Yes
Depth Real - Yes
contactProperties String No defaults Yes

Bolt Location for Leaf Property File (*lpf)

An example of how a bolt location sub-block is represented in a TiemObit file format is shown below:
X = 0
Y = 0
Z = -154
Block Name = ‘leafShape’ (Required)
Sub-Block Name = ‘BOLTLOCATION’ (Optional)
Attributes Type Valid Value Description Required
X Real - Specify the x coordinate of bolt location of leaf profile. Yes
Y Real - Specify the y coordinate of bolt location of leaf profile. Yes
Z Real - Specify the z coordinate of bolt location of leaf profile. Yes