Vehicle Parameters

Parameter | Type | Range | Comments |
Vehicle Mass | Real | Value>0 | |
Final drive ratio | Real | Value>0 | Coupler ratio between drive coupler output and input shafts. Note that drive ratio is 3.7 in case of default RWD model and 1 in case of default FWD model. This value is not parameterized. |
Transmission efficiency | Real | Value>0 | Input omega/(output omega*Drive ratio). |
Drive type | Option | Value = FWD or RWD | Four wheel drive not allowed for advanced driver. |
Max. powertrain torque | Real | Value > 0 | Torque produced by the powertrain at the input shaft of the differential at
100% throttle. *Required only for vehicle models without CSE powertrain. Driver can directly query CSE powertrain. |
Min. Powertrain torque | Real | Torque produced by the powertrain at the input shaft of the differential at
0% throttle. *Required only for vehicle models without CSE powertrain. Driver can directly query CSE powertrain. |
Maximum front braking torque | Real | Value>0 | Maximum braking torque on front axle at 100. |
Maximum rear braking torque | Real | Value>0 | Maximum braking torque on rear axle. |
Brake bias | Real | 0<Value<1 | Front to Rear. 0 is 100% front, 1 is 100% rear. |
Front wheel radius | Real | Value>0 | Loaded radius |
Rear wheel radius | Real | Value>0 | Loaded radius |
Front cornering stiffness | Real | Value>0 | |
Rear cornering stiffness | Real | Value>0 | |
Vehicle a | Real | Value>0 | X component (Vehicle SAE system) of the distance from vehicle front axle to vehicle CG. |
Vehicle b | Real | Value>0 | (Wheel base - vehicle a) |
Vehicle yaw inertia | Real | Value>0 | |
Steer ratio | Real | Value>0 | Ratio of steering wheel input to tire motion (toe). |
Analysis Settings
Parameter | Type | Range | Comments |
Altair Driver file | File | Address of the file path |
Signal Dimensions

$Example ADF end conditions block
LONG_VEL 0 Y SS 0.0 0.0001 1.50
ROLL_ANGLE 1 Y SS 0.0 0.0001 1.50
PITCH_ANGLE 2 Y SS 0.0 0.0001 1.50
YAW_RATE 3 Y SS 0.0 0.0001 1.50
CG_Z 4 Y SS 0.0 0.0001 1.50
Using this block in ADF and signals dimension dataset, Driver will know the appropriate conversion factors for each and every value.
Control States
MDL Statements | |
gse_advanced_driver | Variable name of the driver cse. |
“CSE Advanced Driver” | Label |
6 | Number of outputs. |
sa_u_advanced_driver | Solver array with input signals. |
Driver resizes the state array and sets initial conditions of the states internally. Hence, the state IC array should not be provided. | |
USER | Indicates that Motionsolve should look outside its dll’s for the entry point. |
USER({sa_par.idstring}) | Function call with par[0] = Array ID with vehicle parameters |
1 | The number of states are by default set to 1. |
Msautoutils | Looks for this dll first in the current directory and then in MotionSolve installation. |
SCRIPT_DRIVER | Entry point function name. |
Steering wheel motion | Driver computes the required steering angle and applies motion to the steering wheel joint. |
Differential motion | Required to lock the differential during static (present only if drive joint attachment is resolved in the Driver attachment dialog). |
Steering torque | Driver computes the required steering torque and applies torque to the steering wheel joint. |
Maneuver switch | Switch to end one maneuver and start next maneuver. Sensor uses a sensor subroutine to monitor the signals and end conditions associated with the signal to actuate the switch. |
Solver Arrays
These solver arrays are parameterized to data sets or attachments and provide several pieces of vehicle information to the Solver.
Mass Info Array |
Brake Info Array |
Tire Info Array |
Powertrain Info Array |
Drive Train Info Array |
Driver Info |
Bicycle Model Info Array |
Vehicle Parameters Array |
Sensor Mass Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Length Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Time Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Force Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Angle Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Label Dimension array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Solver variable ID array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Sensor Master array (Using signal dimensions dataset table) |
Input Signal Array (GSE, U type) |
Motion array |
Force array |
Joint array |
Jprim array |
Sensor array |
Output Signal array |
Solver Diff array |
Control Entities Array |
Solver Diff
Steering angle differentiation | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},1)` |
Throttle | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},2)` |
Solver Variables
Driver Steer output | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},1)` |
Driver throttle output | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},2)` |
Driver brake output | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},3)` |
Driver gear output | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},4)` |
Driver clutch output | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},5) ` |
Distance traveled | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},6)` |
Demand traction signal | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},8)` |
Steer torque | `ARYVAL({gse_msautoDriver_1.y_array.idstring},9)` |
Simulation Time | TIME |
Engine speed | `VARVAL(<Engine speed attachment solver
variable>)` |
Longitudinal velocity wrt to gyro | -VX ( <Gyro fixed marker> , <Ground body CM marker> , < Gyro fixed marker > ) |
Lateral velocity wrt gyro | VY ( <Gyro fixed marker> , <Ground body CM marker> , < Gyro fixed marker > ) |
Yaw rate wrt gyro | WZ ( <Gyro fixed marker> , <Ground body CM marker> , < Gyro fixed marker > ) |
Longitudinal acceleration wrt gyro | -ACCX( <Gyro fixed marker> , <Ground body CM marker> , < Gyro fixed marker > ) |
Lateral acceleration wrt gyro | -ACCY( <Gyro fixed marker> , <Ground body CM marker> , < Gyro fixed marker > ) |
Longitudinal displacement | DX ( <Vehicle Body>) |
Lateral displacement | DY ( <Vehicle Body>) |
Vertical displacement | DZ ( <Vehicle Body>) |
Yaw angle | AZ(<Vehicle Body>) |
Roll Angle | ROLL(<Vehicle Body>) |
Pitch Angle | PITCH(<Vehicle Body>) |
Roll Rate | WX(<Vehicle Body>, <Ground Body>, <Vehicle Body>) |
Pitch Rate | WY(<Vehicle Body>, <Ground Body>, <Vehicle Body>) |
User signal 0 | User defined in Altair Driver panel (signal_0) |
User signal 1 | User defined in Altair Driver panel (signal_1) |
User signal 2 | User defined in Altair Driver panel (signal_2) |
User signal 3 | User defined in Altair Driver panel (signal_3) |
User signal 4 | User defined in Altair Driver panel (signal_4) |
Steering wheel error derivative | DIF1(<Steering angle solver diff>)' |
Steering wheel angle on vehicle | -AZ(<Steering wheel joint i body>,<Steering wheel joint j body>)` |
Demand traction signal derivative | DIF1(<Demand traction signal solver diff>)` |
Introduces the differential lock motion if the drive joint attachment of driver is unresolved.
{ driveJt = {PARENT.ds_vehicle_params.int_jdrive_ID.value} }
{if (driveJt != 0 )}
id = "{abs( id - driveJt + 1)}"
label = "Differential motion"
full_label = "Model-Altair Driver-Differential motion"
type = "CONSTANT"
val_type = "D"
q = "0."
joint_id = "{PARENT.ds_vehicle_params.int_jdrive_ID.value}"
motion_type = "R"
Maneuver switch | Switch to end one maneuver and start next maneuver. Sensor uses a sensor subroutine to monitor the signals and end conditions associated with the signal to actuate the switch. |
System Gyro
Gyro (short form for gyroscope) is used to calculate the roll and pitch corrected velocities and displacements for the driver inputs.
Gyro body | Body to make attachments with the vehicle body. |
Gyro body CG to gyro X dis CG to gyro Y dis CG to gyro Z dis |
Dataset containing the position information of the gyro. Gyro X - Vehicle CG X Gyro Y - Vehicle CG Y Gyro Z - Vehicle CG Z |
Gyro parallel axes joint Gyro hookes joint |
Parallel axes joint between ground body and gyro body. Aligns Global Z with
gyroCM Z axis. Aligns cross pins of the Gyro X and Gyro Y with vehicle X and vehicle Y using a universal joint. |
Gyro fixed marker | Marker fixed to the gyro body. |
Gyro location | CGf location of the gyro body. |