- Reference Geometry
Create and modify reference planes, axes, or points.
- Extrude
Extrude profiles or 2D surfaces in one or two directions to create solids or 3D surfaces with optional end caps. Create a new part or combine, merge, subtract, or intersect the extruded shape with existing parts.
- Revolve
Revolve one or more faces, sketches, lines, or 2D edges about an axis.
- Extract
Extract selected geometry features and transfer them to a new part.
- Sweep
Sweep a profile along a path to create a solid or surface. Create a new part or combine, subtract, or intersect the swept shape with existing parts.
- Multi Sweep
Sweep multiple profiles along a path to create a solid or surface. Create a new part or combine, subtract, or intersect the swept shape with existing parts.
- Pipe
Create a pipe along one or more edges/lines. The pipe has a uniform cross section that can be circular, square, rectangular, or triangular.
- Loft
Create a solid loft or a lofted surface from profiles and guide curves. Create a new part from the loft or combine, subtract, or intersect the loft with existing parts.
- Patch
Fill in a missing surface.
- Pattern
Create a linear or circular pattern of parts or faces.
- Mirror
Mirror parts across a symmetry plane.
- Rib
Extrude rib geometry from a sketch to stiffen your model. You can select an arc, curve, straight line, or curved surface.
- NURBS Curve
Create a NURBS curve, which is a free-form curve.
- Blend Curve
Create a free-form curve that blends into one or more existing curves, surfaces, or edges.
- Offset Curve
Create a copy of one or more curves at a specified distance from the source curves. This tool can be used on both 2D and 3D curves.
- Helix Curve
Create a helix (or a spiral if the top and bottom radii are different).
- Extend Curve
Extend a curve and modify the shape of the extension.
- Face Curve
Extract curves from a face in the U or V direction. This is useful for creating trim curves that run along a face.
- Divide Curve
- Intersect Curves
Split intersecting curves or wire bodies into several curves.
- Simplify Curves
Simplify one or more curves by changing the number of control points and inverting their sequence, joining multiple curves, or by applying an arc length parametrization.
- Boolean
Create a new part by using one set of solids to edit another set of solids.
- Fillets
Create fillets or chamfers along an edge.
- Trim/Split
Remove part of a surface or solid by projecting a profile curve onto it. Or use a set of tool surfaces to split a set of target surfaces.
- Slice
Slice a set of solid objects with a cutting plane or surfaces.
- Intersect
Retain only the intersecting portions of one or more parts.
- Shell
Remove material and create thin walls to generate a shelled part.
- Draft
Add draft to one or more faces of a part.
- Push/Pull
Push, pull, or revolve a face, sketch, line, or 2D edge to extrude it into a solid or surface, create or resize a hole, eliminate rounds, or modify wall thickness.
- Extend Surface
Extend a surface along one or more edges. You can extend the surface to a curve or another surface.
- Offset
Offset surfaces or parts, thicken surface parts and convert them to solids, or thicken and hollow solid parts.
- Move Faces
Translate, rotate, copy, or extend features.
- Partition
Divide a solid part into design and non-design regions by selecting a hole, pocket, or face to offset.
- Simplify
Clean up problem areas in the geometry of a model before running an analysis.
- Delete Faces
Delete faces from solid or sheet parts.
- Close Holes
Use the Close Holes tool to fill in missing surfaces, or to remake bad or problematic surfaces.
- Scale
Resize parts in your model, which is useful when working with an imported model that is associated with a different default unit system.
- Deform
Twist, bend, or taper parts within a specified region (deformation zone).
- Replace Geometry
Replace a part in your model with an alternative design.