New to Inspire Form? Learn the basics here.
Discover new features and enhancements.
The Inspire Form workspace includes the ribbon, modeling window, legend, and status bar.
Learn how to select objects, pan and rotate the view, change the units system, and other basic tasks.
A list of supported operating systems and minimum requirements for hardware and memory.
Some ribbon tabs are associated with license features. Depending upon the tab you have invoked, additional units may be drawn. These features will be checked out for the duration of the session.
Learn how to import geometry and export results.
Review techniques for selecting and editing objects.
Change the view in the modeling window using the mouse or view controls.
Translate, rotate, and align parts and other objects using the Move tool and snaps.
Record a video or take a snapshot of the screen.
Change the default unit system, create custom units, and measure geometry features.
Browse and organize all of the entities in your model.
Learn about the forms of help and user assistance available from the product.
Modify the workspace display, default keyboard shortcuts, and other settings.
Learn keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls for common operations.
Start using Inspire Form with our interactive tutorials.
Create and assign variables to parametrize a model. This allows you to quickly iterate and compare design concepts by tweaking the values of the variables.
Create 2D sketches, surfaces, and solids.
Perform Feasibility, Blank Fit, and Blank Nesting analyses.
Open any part in Studio to design the die, and import the die face design into Inspire Form from Studio.
Perform tryout analyses to validate die designs.
Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
Adjust the materials, environment, and properties of objects in the scene to create a photorealistic image.
Analyze the object geometry for negative draft, trim angle, and shortest distance between parts.
Review forming outcomes through the Analysis Explorer.
View the glossary or frequently asked questions.