Creating an Isotropic Layered Dielectric (2D)

Create a layered dielectric medium.

  1. On the Construct tab, in the Define group, click the   Media icon. From the drop-down list, select the  Layered Dielectric (2D) icon.
    Figure 1. The Create Layered Dielectric dialog.

  2. In the Label field, enter a unique label for the dielectric.
  3. In the Thickness field, enter a value for the layer thickness.
  4. In the Dielectric material field, select one of the following options:
    • To add a dielectric layer consisting of a predefined dielectric, select the dielectric.
    • To add a dielectric layer consisting of a dielectric, which is not yet defined in the model, click the icon to define the dielectric or add a dielectric from the media library.
  5. [Optional] To add an additional layer, click Add.
  6. [Optional] To remove a layer, click Remove.
  7. Click Create to create the dielectric and to close the dialog.