Creating a Metallic Medium

Create a metal.

  1. On the Construct tab, in the Define group, click the  Media icon. From the drop-down list, select the  Metallic icon.
  2. Click Manually define medium.
  3. Specify the magnetic properties of the metal.
    • To create a frequency-independent metal, from the Definition method drop-down list select Frequency independent.
    • To create a frequency-dependent metal, from the Definition method drop-down list select Frequency list (linear interpolation).
      • To enter each frequency point manually, enter the magnetic properties for each frequency point.
      • To import the frequency points from a file, click Import points.
        1. In the File name field, browse for the file you want to import.
        2. [Optional] In the Scale by field, enter a value to scale the points.

          For example, if you import a value of 2, scale it by 10e9 to change the value to 2 GHz.

        3. Under Delimiter, click the delimiter type you use in your file.
        4. Click OK to close the Import Points dialog.
  4. [Optional] To include the effects of a rough surface, select the Surface roughness (RMS value in m) check box and enter a value (root mean square value in metre).1
1 Specifying the surface roughness will not impact the total runtime or memory used.