Display the Particles Sub-section

The Particles sub-section allows you to modify and configure the display settings for all the Particles and Particle Types in the simulation. You can expand this section to select individual particle types.

To display the Particles sub-section:
  1. Configure the following options for each of the Geometries in the simulation:
    1. Select the Display checkbox to enable or disable the display of the selected particle types.
    2. Select a representation from the Representation dropdown list to represent particles.
      Options are: Default, Cone, Vector, Stream, or Template.
      Option Description
      Default By default, particles are displayed the way they are defined in EDEM Creator.

      Cone Particles are displayed as cones.

      Set the direction, length, and base width of the cone to represent the following particle attributes:
      • Direction

        Represents velocity, torque, total force, angular velocity, or custom property (consisting of exactly three values).

      • Length

        Represents velocity, total force, Moment of Inertia, kinetic energy, mass, rotational kinetic energy, compressive force, torque, volume, angular velocity, or a custom particle property.

      • Base width

        Represents velocity, total force, compressive force, torque, mass, kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, volume, moment of inertia, angular velocity, charge, electrostatic force, or a custom particle property.

      Vector Particles are displayed as vectors.

      Set the direction and length of the vector to represent a variety of particle attributes.
      • Direction

        Represents velocity, torque, total force or angular velocity, or custom property (consisting of exactly three values).

      • Length

        Represents velocity, total force, moment of inertia, kinetic energy, mass, rotational kinetic energy, compressive force, torque, volume, angular velocity, or a custom particle property.

      Stream The path of the particle is displayed as a stream with variable coloring.

      • Number of Steps

        Define the number of Time Steps the particles should be streamed for. The number indicates that the streams will be drawn for the previous n Time Steps up to and including the current Time Step.

      • Stream All Steps

        Streams are drawn across all Time Steps.

      • Stream Fade

        Fades the color intensity of the streams.

      Template Particles are displayed using one of the currently imported templates.

  2. Click Options to further configure the display attributes and then specify the following details:
    For Specify
    Opacity Sets the particle opacity level from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Select the checkbox and set the value of opacity to between 0 and 1.
    The following example shows particles colored by Velocity with Opacity set to 0.25:

    Color by: Select the element to color from the Color by: dropdown list and then select the attributes.

    For more information about the attributes and their components available for each element, see the Coloring Attributes table.

    • Color by: Uniform

      Allows you to color the selected particle or particles as a whole with a single color.

      Uniform coloring is used to set the standard color for any element. The following image shows particles in three separate selection groups, each colored differently using the Uniform option.

    • Color by: Attribute
      Allows you to color any particle of the model with a particular attribute. The following image shows all the particles colored by velocity.

      The particles with the greatest velocity are colored red, and those with the lowest colored are colored blue.

    Color: Select the color from the dropdown list.
    Component: Select the component from the dropdown list.
    Smooth Colors Select the checkbox to enhance the images and even out the background color of an image.
    Log Scale Select to scale the coloring of particle attributes logarithmically for better color distribution. You can also change the coloring from linear to logarithmic, and is applicable only for particle Mass and Volume.
    Levels Select the number of color levels used in the color grading from the dropdown list.
    Max Color: Select the color that the maximum attribute value will be displayed as from the dropdown list.
    Mid Color: Select the color that the middle attribute value will be displayed in from the dropdown list.
    Min Color: Select the color that the minimum attribute value will be displayed in from the dropdown list.
    Min Value: Specify the value at which the Min Color will be displayed. All particles with attribute values lower than this value will be displayed using the Min Color.
    Auto Update Select the checkbox to automatically update this value to be the same as the minimum value found in the simulation at this Time Step.
    Max Value: Specify the value at which the Max Color will be displayed. All particles with attribute values greater than this value will be displayed using the Max Color.
    Auto Update Select the checkbox to automatically update this value to be the same as the maximum value found in the simulation at this Time Step.
    Hide Out of Bounds Select the checkbox to hide the particles that fall outside of the specified min and max values.
    Show Legend Select the checkbox to show or hide the legend.
    Position Legend Select the checkbox to show or hide the position of the legend.
    Legend Options... Click to set the legend options such as the width, height, intervals, alignment, decimal, title, and text color and then click OK.
    The following table shows the available attributes and their components for each element:
    Table 1. Coloring Attributes
    Element Attribute Component
    Particle Angular Velocity Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Axial Stress Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Compressive Force N/A
    Coordination Number N/A
    Diameter (Multi-Sphere) N/A
    Moment of Inertia Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Kinetic Energy N/A
    Length. (Polyhedral) N/A
    Mass N/A
    Moment of Inertia Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Position X, Y, Z
    Potential Energy N/A
    Residence Time N/A
    Rotational Kinetic Energy N/A
    Stress Tensor XX, XY, XZ, YX, YY, YZ, ZX, ZY, ZZ
    Torque Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Total Energy N/A
    Total Force Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Velocity Magnitude, X, Y, Z
    Volume N/A
    Von Mises N/A
    Custom property Depends on the number of elements.
    Frozen 1 - Frozen, 0 - Not frozen