Save the Material Block

You can store the particles inside the current simulation domain in the form of a Material Block in the Materials database.

To save the Material block:
Click Save Material Block, the current simulation domain is defined as the bounding box as specified in the Creator Tree > Environment > Domain at the Time Step.
Note: Saving a Material Block automatically saves the Bulk and Equipment Materials used for it along with the corresponding interactions. All this data will be available in any other EDEM deck through the Materials database.

The Contact Model specific information is also saved. For example, if the Bonding V2 model is used, the bond contact information is stored in the Material block.

The purpose of this tool is to generate a bed of material by just assembling multiple copies of a Material block. An alternative use of the Material block is to take the output of one simulation and use it as an input to another, using the Dynamic Block Creation functionality.

In either case, in to obtain the Sample block, an initial simulation is necessary before returning to the Creator to save the Material block into the Internal Materials Database.