In structural analysis, wind load denotes the force imposed by wind on a structure.
Wind load is influenced by factors like height above the ground and velocity. These
forces can profoundly impact the stability and structural integrity of structures
and buildings. SimSolid plays a crucial role in modeling
wind loads on structures by considering key factors such as wind speed, air density,
directionality, frictional drag, and shape factor. By incorporating these
parameters, SimSolid facilitates the evaluation of
pressure exerted on surfaces exposed to the wind, contributing to accurate
calculations of structural deflection.
A pivotal influence on wind load considerations is the wind profile. SimSolid supports two distinct profiles: Uniform and
Logarithmic. These profiles serve as mathematical models, elucidating the uniform
distribution or logarithmic progression of wind speed concerning the height above
the ground (H) within the atmospheric boundary layer.
Figure 1.
In the Logarithmic wind profile, the interpolation points along the logarithmic curve
between the height above the ground (H) and wind speed (V) are calculated by the
following equation.
Shear velocity (Default = ~0.5)
Von Karman constant (Default = ~0.41)
Height above ground where velocity was measured
The wind pressure for surfaces that are normal to the wind direction is calculated by
the following equation.
Wind pressure
Air density
Speed of the wind
Shape factor
For the surfaces which are parallel to the wind direction includes frictional drag () is calculated by, the following
The default value of friction drag coefficient is set
to 0.01.
Tip: The Enable Shielding checkbox provides
capability to protect components from wind load that are obstructed by other
parts. When unchecked, wind load is exerted on all components, regardless of
whether the surfaces facing the wind source are obstructed by other parts within
the assembly.