Spring Support

Set an elastic foundation at selected faces.

  1. On the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
  2. On the Analysis Workbench toolbar, select (Spring support).
  3. In the modeling window, select desired faces.
  4. Select the coordinate system from the drop-down menu.
    Note: If needed, use the Create new button to create a new coordinate system.
  5. Under Units, choose the Foundation Factor and Stiffness units.
  6. Under Common foundations factors, choose an option from the drop-down menu.
  7. Define support stiffness values in one of the following ways:
    Foundation factor Used to specify an elastic foundation.
    1. Select the Foundation factor radio button.
    2. Specify values for the X, Y, and Z directions.
    Support stiffness Used to specify local support stiffness.
    1. Select the Support total stiffness radio button.
    2. Specify values for the X, Y, and Z directions.
  8. Click OK.