Thermal Load
Simulate deformations and stresses induced by the temperature changes in your model.
The temperature input is the temperature difference (Tfinal - Tinitial).
- On the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
In the workbench toolbar, click the
(Thermal load) icon.
Specify the Temperature input in one of the following ways:
Action Process Use results from Thermal analysis - Click the Link to Thermal analysis result radio button.
- Select the desired Thermal analysis results from the list in the dialog. Thermal steady state, thermal transient and thermal imported are supported.
Apply uniform temperature to all parts - Click the Apply uniform temperature(s) to part(s) radio button.
- Specify temperature units.
- Specify a numerical value for temperature in the text box.
- Verify that the Apply to all parts radio button is selected.
Apply uniform temperature to specific parts - Click the Apply uniform temperature(s) to part(s) radio button.
- Specify temperature units.
- Specify a numerical value for temperature in the text box.
- Click the Apply to specific parts radio button.
Click OK.
Temperatures are applied to the model. The application determines the temperature at every location of the model for which you have not prescribed a temperature.Note: When solving a structural sequential analysis with multiple parents and linked with a thermal steady-state subcase, use the solver manager after setting up all the load cases. Refer to Fig1 for reference. It is recommended to have a thermal steady-state subcase created at the beginning of your workflow that can later be linked to the multi-parented structural sequential subcase.
Figure 1.