
Remove material and create thin walls to generate a shelled part.

  1. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Shell tool.

    Note: The tool may be hidden in the dropdown menu. To access the dropdown menu, you can do one of the following:
    • Select at the lower right corner of the currently displayed tool.
    • Click and hold the currently displayed tool.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Select one or more faces to remove.
  3. In the microdialog, enter the desired thickness for the new shell.
    Note: Click the Reverse Direction icon to reverse the direction of the shell.
  4. Click Apply on the guide bar or microdialog to generate the shelled part.

Create or Assign Variables to Parametrize a Model

Create or assign variables to parametrize a model. Variables can be created from a tool or the tool’s microdialog where f(x) is present.

You can create or assign existing variables via the microdialog or in various tools and contexts.