
Resize parts in your model, which is useful when working with an imported model that is associated with a different default unit system.

  1. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Scale tool.

    Note: The tool may be hidden in the dropdown menu. To access the dropdown menu, you can do one of the following:
    • Select at the lower right corner of the currently displayed tool.
    • Click and hold the currently displayed tool.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Select the part to scale.
  3. Enter a scaling factor in the microdialog.
    For example, a factor of 1.5 will produce a part 150% the size of the original.
  4. Click Apply .

Create or Assign Variables to Parametrize a Model

Create or assign variables to parametrize a model. Variables can be created from a tool or the tool’s microdialog where f(x) is present.

You can create or assign existing variables via the microdialog or in various tools and contexts.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls

To Do this
Add to or remove from the selection Ctrl
Select a point on a face as the scaling center Shift
Exit tool Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.