Post: User Output Request

Model ElementThe Post_UserAPI element allows you to generate your own results file. You can only have one Post_UserAPI without an ID. Use Post_UserAPIS to have more than one Post_UserAPI.


     USRSUB_PARAM_STRING = "USER( [[par_1 [, ...][,par_n]] )"
     USRSUB_DLL_NAME     = valid_path_name
     USRSUB_FNC_NAME     = custom_fnc_name >
     SCRIPT_NAME         = valid_path_name
     INTERPRETER         = "string"  

     USRSUB_PARAM_STRING = "USER([[par_1[,...][,par_n]])"
     USRSUB_FNC_NAME     = "custom_fnc_name" >


The list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user written subroutine Post_UserAPI.
Specifies the path and name of the DLL or shared library containing user subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the DLL at run time.
Specifies an alternative name for the user subroutine POST_SUB.
Specifies the path and name of the user written script that contains the routine specified by usrsub_fnc_name.
Specifies the interpreted language that the user script is written in (example: "PYTHON"). See User-Written Subroutines for a choice of valid interpreted languages.