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Altair Multibody Solutions 2024.1 Release Notes


The 2024.1 release of Altair Multibody Solutions introduces several enhancements and bug fixes to MotionView, MotionSolve, and their extensions. Here are some of the key highlights:
  • Deformable Curve/Surface contact support (MotionView)
  • Jupyter Notebook based reports for vehicle simulation results (Vehicle Tools Extension)
  • Anti-Squat and Anti-Dive user-subroutine based outputs for Two-Wheeler models (Vehicle Tools Extension)
  • Real-time simulations for Vehicle models (MotionSolve)
  • Frequency dependent force/torque for Frequency Response Analysis (MotionSolve)
  • Higher pair forces for contact between deformable curve, deformable surface, and graphics (MotionSolve)
  • MotionView to CarRealTime (New Extension)

New Features

Deformable Curve/Surface Contact Support (MotionView/MotionSolve)
MotionView and MotionSolve now support contact with deformable curves or surfaces. The contact entity has been extended to select a deformable curve graphic or a deformable surface graphic. Additionally, the deformable curve graphic has been enhanced to include radius as an attribute, allowing it to represent pipes or tubes. This feature is beneficial for modeling a variety of applications, including contacts with hoses, piping, and wiring harnesses.
Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Jupyter Notebook Based Reports for Vehicle Simulations (Vehicle Tools Extension)
The Vehicle Tools Extension adds an option to review vehicle simulation results using Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. You can access these reports using the ribbon icon shown below. These reports are an add-on to the already existing HyperGraph/HyperView reports.
Figure 3. Access Jupyter Notebook Reports

Anti-Squat and Anti-Dive Outputs for Two-wheeler Models (Vehicle Tools Extension)
The Vehicle Tools Extension now includes in-built Anti-Squat/Anti-Dive outputs to models created using the Assembly Wizard. These are available only for Two-wheeler models. The calculations are based on the geometry of the steering handle, tire contact patches, and sprocket-chain geometry. When you build a Two-wheeler using the Assembly Wizard, these outputs are created in a dedicated System under Instrumentation.
Figure 4. Anti-Squat/Dive Outputs

Real-time Simulation for Vehicle Models (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve 2024 introduced an experimental feature for real-time simulation of car models created using the Assembly Wizard from the Vehicle Tool Extension. Please refer to the 2024 release notes for more information. In this release, the feature has been officially launched for cars and small trucks. This feature will be extended to additional vehicle types in future updates.
In vehicle models built using the Car/Small Truck library, a new “Real-Time Compliant” option is displayed in the Entity Editor for supported events. Enabling this option exports the solver deck with the necessary instructions for MotionSolve to execute real-time simulation.
Figure 5.

Frequency Dependent Force/Torque for Frequency Response Analysis (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve introduced Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) in release 2023.1. In MotionView 2024, UI support was added to set up and execute this analysis. Please refer to the 2023.1 and 2024 release notes for more details.
In the latest release, MotionSolve now includes frequency-dependent force or torque (Force_FreqDependent) on a reference marker using the subroutine FFOSUB. This force/torque can be used to model frequency and amplitude-dependent bushings, springs, and dampers in a FRA.
Higher Pair Forces for Contact Between Deformable Curves, Deformable Surfaces, and Graphics (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now supports higher pair force to define contact between deformable curves, deformable surfaces, and graphics. These forces are faster than Force_Contact but limited to single point contact. Supported entities include:
  • Force_PTdCV - Defines the contact force between a deformable curve and point.
  • Force_DCVCV - Defines the contact force between two deformable curves.
  • Force_DCVSF - Defines the contact force between a deformable curve and a deformable surface.
  • Force_GRADCV - Defines the contact force between a deformable curve and graphic.
  • Force_GRADSF - Defines the contact force between a deformable surface and graphic.

This feature is currently not supported in MotionView.


Run and Export Updates (MotionView)
From this version onward, the default file type for an offline run with MotionSolve is set to use Python instead of XML. In line with this change, the following changes have been made to the Analysis Settings dialog of the Run tool.
  • The offline run solver format that was under Global Simulation Settings is now available upfront in the Analysis Settings.
  • The Solver Script choice is moved into the Global Simulation Settings dialog.
  • By default, the offline run solver format is Python. It can be changed to XML.
The Export Solver Deck dialog for MotionSolve has been enhanced to include all the formats of the solver deck and analyses selection.
Enhancements to Frequency Response Analysis (MotionView)
In version 2024, MotionView added support for Frequency Response Analysis by providing a constant value as input in the frequency domain using the FrequencyInput entity. In this version, the FrequencyInput capability has been extended to provide non-linear inputs such as a Curve or an Expression.
Progress Bar for Jupyter Notebook (MotionSolve)
The simulation progress can be viewed as a progress bar while running MotionSolve simulations in Jupyter Notebook.
Added Sensor ID and Sensor Label in MRF and ABF (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now writes the sensor ID and the sensor label in the MRF and ABF files for HyperGraph to properly display sensor signals when two sensors have the same name.
Added licwait Option in MotionSolve (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now supports licwait, when specified waits for the specified number of hours when sufficient units of the license are not available.
Cutoff Results in Linear Analysis (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now supports cutting off results in a linear analysis using frequency (maximum_freq and minimum_freq). The cutoff type (cutoff_type = "DAMPED | UNDAMPED") can be based on damped or undamped natural frequencies of the system.


Primitive Graphics Updates (MotionView)
The ribbon for creating primitive graphics has been updated. A single “Primitives” ribbon icon brings in a secondary ribbon with individual icons for creating each of the primitive graphics.
Figure 6.

Changes to Outputs (MotionView/MotionSolve)
  • The option “Use note on Ouput as label for plt” is available in the Global Simulation Settings under Analysis Settings in the MotionView Run ribbon. This option can be used to replace the output label with the notes in the output.
  • MotionSolve has added the flag abf_req_comment_only to ResOutput, which controls how the output request names are written to the ABF files.
  • MotionSolve has added the flags abf_yrequest_label and plt_yrequest_label to ResOutput, which controls whether the label or comment of a request should be written as the output request names are written to the ABF and PLT files.
  • Request names for outputs with cnames (component names) are now consistent with other outputs, with the label having the prefix “REQ/id”.


Machinery Tools Extension (v2.0)
The Machinery Tools extension provides higher-level modeling entities that form an integral part of larger machinery or equipment. This is an update to the previous release that adds the following new features:
  • A new "Cables" library has been introduced that enables the modeling and simulation of winches, pulleys, anchors, and cables wrapped around them in various configurations. The formulation supports winch geometry and inertia fluctuation and pulley sliding contact, with longitudinal tension coupling between pulleys.
  • Additional example models have been introduced that demonstrate the usage of the "Cable" library.
  • The "Gears" library has been reduced to "Helical Gearset" and "Planetary Gearset".
    Figure 7.

This extension is now available on Altair Exchange.
MotionView to CarRealTime (New)
The MotionView to Car Real Time extension provides a tool to export the suspension characteristics of vehicle models to be used in Altair TwinActivate Car Real Time (TwinActivate-CRT) and VI-Grade Car Real Time (VI-CRT).
Figure 8.

The extension loads a page in MotionView with a ribbon and a library folder in the entity browser containing two full vehicle events, TwinActivate_CRT and VI_CRT. These events support full vehicle models with the driver created using the car and small trucks library in MotionView’s Assembly Wizard.
Figure 9.

Figure 10.

This new MotionView extension is now available on Altair Exchange.

Known Issues

  • Jupyter reports do not plot signals that are constructed using math operations on other signals. Curve math is not supported in these reports.
  • A PLT file generated from a real-time simulation does not have the correct results.
  • Some output signals in real-time simulation will be zero.
  • Some real-time models with multiple FMU or steep events may not run in real-time.
  • Some real-time models do not run on Linux.

Resolved Issues

  • Selection highlight in context stays after undo.
  • Section headers in the Entity Editor are blank when selecting a flexbody when the panel is on.
  • ADF file written into the XML file is not correct when exported for HyperStudy.
  • Expressions in the Data Summary import file are imported as a string resulting in an error when evaluating.
  • MotionView crashes while turning on the U column of a 2D parametric curve in the Entity Editor.
  • NLFE-based belt pulley does not solve.
  • Edge option in Create curve using Edge/Surface does not work when you select a single edge to extract a curve.
  • The default analysis cannot be activated from the Entity Editor once deactivated.
  • Creating a sub-folder on the Run preference option results in the solver deck written to the parent directory in ADAMS solvermode.
  • Options type data members in Datasets are greyed out in the Entity Editor for the ADAMS solvermode.
  • Dataset property of type Table is not visible in the Entity Editor.
  • A run using msolve Python fails for the library car model with the aerodynamic force system.
  • Application error is encountered when clicking the Open File icon on Forms.
  • Components within the assembly hierarchy get incorrect names when imported via HyperMesh.
  • The number of steps mentioned for a frequency response analysis in MotionView does not get written correctly to XML.
  • Deleting flexible bodies does not remove the graphics from the screen.
  • Undoing a deleted system crashes MotionView.
  • Reports for a rear-suspension KnC event were not plotting.
  • User-defined input expressions for Jack motions were not saved to the MDL file in KnC events.
  • Vertical tire forces reported in models with Fiala tires were more than the actual reaction during static simulation.
  • Fixed the contact pressure output if one of the graphics in the contact is a flexible body.
  • Improvements in the contact results vector flickering while animating contact simulations.
  • mspost always writes MODAL H3D even when h3d_format = "NODAL".
  • Unit scaling issue in a flexible body for modal loads.
  • Issue with sequential analysis with flexible bodies with large deformations.
  • Removed dependencies of edem.fmu on the H3D library to avoid DLL conflicts when running MotionSolve FMU with multiple third-party applications.
  • MotionSolve now captures errors from FMU while initializing and terminates the simulation.

Altair Multibody Solutions 2024 Release Notes


The Altair Multibody Solutions 2024 release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes to MotionView and MotionSolve:
  • Undo and redo (MotionView)
  • Frequency Response Analysis (MotionView/MotionSolve)
  • Experimental – Belt pulley with substructured flexible bodies (MotionView/MotionSolve)
  • Experimental – Real-time simulations for vehicle models (MotionSolve)
  • Dual Motor Electric Powertrain (Vehicle Tools Extension)
  • Cables Library (Machinery Tools Extension)
  • Wizard modeling changes (MotionView)

New Features

Undo and Redo (MotionView)
It is possible to undo an entity creation, modification, and deletion within a MotionView session. Use Ctrl+Z to undo and Ctrl+Y to redo a previously undone action.
Note: The Undo functionality is not available in dialogs.
Frequency Response Analysis (MotionView/MotionSolve)
The Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) feature has been available in MotionSolve since 2023.1. MotionView now offers UI support to set up and execute such an analysis.
  • A FrequencyInput entity is available to define inputs to the Frequency Response Analysis.
    Figure 11.

    • Supported input types: Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration or Force.
    • The input is in the frequency domain and is provided with an amplitude value, phase angle, and direction (DOFs).
  • The Analysis Entity Editor supports these analysis types: FrequencyResponse and Static+FrequencyResponse.
    Figure 12.

MotionSolve now supports an expression based on Frequency using FREQ or OMEGA for magnitude and phase angle while defining the FrequencyInput in the Frequency Response Analysis. For example, STEP(FREQ,0.01,1,10,100)-STEP(FREQ,10,0,20,99).
Note: This feature will be supported in MotionView in a future release.
Experimental – Belt Pulley with Substructured Flexible Bodies (MotionView/MotionSolve)
A new belt formulation, called Substructured Flexbodies, is now available as an experimental feature under the Belt Pulley system creation tool. In this formulation, the belt is modeled as a series of linear (CMS) flexible bodies connected by fixed joints. This method offers a faster solution compared to NLFE formulation and with a higher fidelity than a discretized rigid bodies formulation.
Experimental – Real-time Simulation for Vehicle Models (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now supports real-time simulation for car models created using the MotionView wizard. You can activate this functionality with a switch in MotionView, eliminating the need for manual model reduction to achieve real-time performance. Models with flexible bodies, complex geometries, and a large number of degrees of freedom can be simulated in real-time with a click. In this context, the term "real-time" implies that the ratio of wall time required by the MotionSolve simulation versus specified end time is less than 1. It's important to note that, as this is an experimental feature, not all functionalities in the wizard are supported, and you may experience non-real-time performance or simulation failures. However, these issues will be addressed in future releases. In the meantime, you can disable the real-time feature if needed.
In vehicle models that are built using the Car/Small truck library, you can enable the switch by setting the environment variable: HW_MS_REALTIME=1. With this variable set, upon loading/building a vehicle model and adding an event, the following toggle is visible in the Entity Editor. Checking this option exports the solver deck with the necessary instructions to MotionSolve to execute the real time simulation.
Figure 13.

MQTT Protocol (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve now supports the MQTT protocol through its msolve API. MQTT, which stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is an OASIS standard messaging protocol developed for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that enables remote devices to communicate with minimal code footprint and network bandwidth. MQTT has gained widespread adoption across various industries, including automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, among others. The MQTT support in msolve facilitates bi-directional messaging between a MotionSolve model and other virtual or physical devices via a broker. This capability enables easy broadcasting of signals to groups of devices, making it a valuable feature for IoT applications.
Figure 14.

Dual Motor Electric Powertrain (Vehicle Tools Extension)
MotionView added the option to include a Dual Motor Electric Powertrain (FMU) model in the Car/Small truck vehicle library. This option is available for the “Full vehicle with Driver” and “Four wheel drive” driveline configurations and is accessible under the Assembly Wizard's Powertrain menu.
Figure 15.

The Dual Motor Electric Powertrain is a 1D representation created in Altair Twin Activate and integrated into MotionView as an FMU. It consists of two motors, two inverters, a battery pack, and the vehicle control unit (VCU) responsible for implementing regenerative braking and active torque distribution algorithms.
Figure 16.

The powertrain parameters can be modified to accommodate different vehicle models. The input motor characteristic file for the FMU can be generated using Altair Flux.


Entity Editor for Curves
The Curve entity now has an Entity Editor alternative to the panel. The editor also has a new Edit/Show Curve dialog to visualize the curve and edit it (only for curves with Data source set to Values).
Figure 17.

Wizard Libraries (MotionView)
An Example Wizard in included in the Wizard library. You can use this library to create your own Wizard library. The Vehicle libraries that were included with the standard installation are now part of the Vehicle Tools Extension. This extension can be turned on from the Extension Manager, which is accessible through File > Extensions.
The Example Wizard offers two examples for building a Wizard library: Link and Slider Crank. The detailed steps to create a library is also available in the help.
The Wizard group icons in the Assembly ribbon have been updated.
Figure 18.

Python API Updates (MotionView)
Python APIs are now available to register in the Wizard library. The following API commands can be used under the mview module to register and set the Wizard library.
API Description
getCurrentWizardLibrary() Gets the current active Wizard library.
setCurrentWizardLibrary(library_name) Sets a Wizard library as current.
registerAssemblyWizardFile(library_name, wizFile) Registers an Assembly Wizard file to a library.
registerTaskWizardFile(library_name, wizFile) Registers a Task Wizard file to a library.
registerWizardLibraryDirectory(library_name, libDir) Registers a Wizard library directory.
registerMdlStandardIncludeFile(library_name, stdIncFile) Registers a Standard Include file to be used with a library.
registerReportsLogFile(library_name, logFile) Registers a report log file used with a library.
from hw import mview 
import os
# Register assembly wizard file to the library "My Library"
mview.registerAssemblyWizardFile("My Library", "C:/Libraries/My_Library/assembly.wzd")
# Register task wizard file to the library "My Library"
mview.registerTaskWizardFile("My Library", "C:/Libraries/My_Library/task.wzd")			
# Registers wizard library directory to the library "My Library"
mview.registerWizardLibraryDirectory("My Library", "C:/Libraries/My_Library")			
std_inc = ""
# Get standard include file path from the install location
std_inc = std_inc.join([os.environ["ALTAIR_HOME"],'/hw/mdl/mdllib/std_inc.mdl'])
# Register standard include file to the library "My Library"
mview.registerMdlStandardIncludeFile("My Library", std_inc)
# Register report log file to the library "My Library"
mview.registerReportsLogFile("My Library", "C:/Temp/library_report.log")
# Set “My Library” as the current library
mview.setCurrentWizardLibrary(“My Library”)
Cosin F-Tire Version 2024-1 (Vehicle Tools Extension)
Altair MotionSolve now supports the updated version of Cosin F-Tire 2024-1 that is used in vehicle simulations.
Track Builder – Symmetric Track and New Outputs (Vehicle Tools Extension)
Increasing the efficiency of the track modeling process, a symmetry option was added in the Vehicle Tools > Track Builder to automatically create both left and right track systems.
Figure 19.

Additionally, track tension output and contact force outputs between the track links and rolling components are now available to simplify the post-processing of the track vehicle results. The soft-soil MDL systems previously added in the MotionView model browser when creating a track model with soft-soil as road contact method is now reorganized into a single system containing only the necessary parameters for the soft-soil road model.
Report Template for Kinematic and Compliance (KnC) Events for Half-vehicle Models (Vehicle Tools Extension)
Previously, a new vehicle Kinematic and Compliance event was introduced in the Entity Browser with a significant workflow improvement on the event parameters. In that version, the automated report was available only for 2-axles, or 4-wheeled vehicles.
In this release, the report template is available for full- and half-vehicle models created using the Car/Small truck and Heavy truck libraries.
Define Length of Soft-Soil Road Graphics (Vehicle Tools Extension)
A new argument is now available to be used in the soft-soil road files to specify the length of the road graphics from the road reference marker.
Figure 20.

LENGTH_START and LENGTH_END define the limit for the graphic created using the road tools. This is independent of the total road length specified in the road file parameters block. As the soft-soil road is symmetrically positioned at the road reference marker, this enhancement allows you to remove the part of the road graphics not used during the simulation.
MIN_RADIUS Parameter to Improve Lane Change Maneuvers for Leaning Vehicles (Vehicle Tools Extension)
The “MIN_RADIUS” attributes has been added to the Lane Change and Slalom events for leaning vehicles (Two-wheelers and others). This attribute can be used to specify a minimum radius along the planned path, which the control algorithm uses internally to design and fit a spline for the path follower control.
Figure 21.

MotionSolve FMU Path (MotionSolve)
While running the MotionSolve FMU, all paths and environmental variables are now derived from the ALTAIR_FMU_ROOT to avoid setting multiple paths.
Extend Usage of Multiple Post User Output Request with ID (MotionSolve)
MotionSolve supports multiple post user output requests with ID, allowing you to write multiple custom output results in different forms like files, plots, and animations.


Abaqus Solver Mode Deprecated
The ABAQUS solver mode has been deprecated.
NLFE Spring and NLFE Stabar Features Discontinued (MotionView)
The tools to create a Spring and Stabilizer bar using NLFE have been discontinued.
Multi-disciplinary Tools Extension (MotionView)
The Multi-disciplinary Tools preferences is now available as an extension that can be downloaded from Altair Exchange and added via the Extension Manager.
Export to MotionSolve Python (MotionView)
MotionView uses MotionSolve's Python API, msolve, to solve models live and optionally offline (non-default). Additionally, you can export a Python solver deck using File > Export > Solver Deck. Previously, there were two distinct styles of writing these Python files. The live run used a flat, non-parametric style of solver deck, while the offline run and export used a style that preserved the parametric relationship between entities.
In 2024, all methods of generating a Python solver deck have been standardized. Both live and offline versions now generate the flat, non-parametric style of the Python solver deck. This change also applies to generating the Python deck in batch mode (using mdl_batch). However, the Optimization Wizard will continue to use the parametric style.
Note: The export of the Python solver deck in parametric style is not supported. This feature will be available in a future release.
CAD Translator Update
The third-party component used in translating various CAD formats, except Parasolid (STEP, IGS, CATIA, and so on, has been upgraded to a newer version. This upgrade addresses issues with slower CAD reading and poor geometry translations seen previously.
A side effect of this change is that names of some components may appear changed in certain scenarios causing an error when loading legacy models. Instead, reselect the components using the Entity Editor of the Graphics entity.
Static Load Analysis in the Entity Browser (Vehicle Tools Extension)
The Static Load analysis for the half-vehicle models created using the Car/Small truck and Heavy truck libraries is now included in the Entity Browser under Vehicle Tools > Events > General.
The analysis can be used to study the effect of various loads applied at the wheel center and tire patch. This enhancement presents the analysis parameters in the Entity Editor, simplifying the workflow to add and edit the events.
Tire Envelope Analysis in the Entity Browser (Vehicle Tools Extension)
The Tire Envelope analysis for the half-vehicle models created using the Car/Small truck and Heavy truck libraries is now included in the Entity Browser under Vehicle Tools > Events > General.
Designed for packaging studies, the Tire Envelope analysis exercises the suspension to the extremes of ride and steering travel to verify the interference between the tire and the suspension components or vehicle chassis. This enhancement also presents the analysis parameters in the Entity Editor, simplifying the workflow to add and edit the events.
Figure 22.

Complete Workflow for Half- and Full-vehicle Analysis (Vehicle Tools Extension)
With the Static Load and Tire Envelope analysis moving to the Entity Browser with parameters editable in the Entity Editor, the support for the Analysis Task Wizard is being removed in this release.
This enhancement completes the vehicle modeling workflows in a concise and simple way. To build a vehicle in MotionView, three steps are now required:
  1. Select the vehicle library using the Libraries ribbon option.
  2. Build the vehicle model using the Assembly option.
  3. Add an event from the Entity Browser, accessing either the MotionView option (View > Entity Browser), or from the Events ribbon button that automatically opens the Entity Browser.
Figure 23.

Changes in CAD/FE Import Using HyperMesh
The Utility menu in HyperMesh that appears while importing CAD/FE using HyperMesh in the interactive mode has been migrated to a MVUtils ribbon.
Figure 24.

Organized Binaries (MotionSolve)
Organized verticals and tire related binaries are now under the msauto folder to avoid conflicts from third-party binaries.


Cables Library (Machinery Tools Extension)
The Machinery Tools extension version 2.0 is now available on Altair Community > Altair Exchange > Extensions. In addition to bearings and gear libraries available in version 1.0, this version adds the Cables library.
The Cables library enables modeling and simulation of winches, pulleys, anchors, and cables wrapped in various configurations. The formulation supports cable pre-load, parametric pulleys profile with sliding contact and disengagement, and different wrapping modes such as anchor to anchor, winch to anchor through pulleys, anchor to winch through pulleys, and winch to winch through pulleys.
When loaded in MotionView, the extension appears as a MotionView page containing a ribbon with icons for all available components. It also loads the Component library folder in the Entity Browser, which can be accessed by clicking the ribbon icons. Three new examples are included in the extension to demonstrate the cables’ capabilities as shown in the figure below.
Figure 25.

Resolved Issues

  • Analysis end time in the Entity Editor does not reset to the default after performing File > New.
  • Segmentation error when creating a system after creating other entities and using the Model Wizard.
  • Solver_Filename and Solver_File_basename datamembers are not set when the solver deck is exported/run using Python.
  • Solver_Filename and Solver_File_basename datamembers are not set correctly when a Template is pre-evaluated during the export of a solver deck.
  • Application error when saving an external definition-based analysis.
  • Double-clicking on a rigid group does not bring up its edit context menu.
  • The CreateBlankModel TCL command crashes MotionView.
  • The MarkerPair and BushingPair Entity Editor does now show Orientation information after switching sides.
  • System attachment of type Dataset cannot be resolved using the Advanced selection dialog in the Entity Editor.
  • Resolving a marker collector in the guidebar to an attachment's attribute sets it to the marker resolved and not as attachment’s attribute.
  • Point coordinates are modified when orienting a marker that refers to the point for its orientation.
  • Node tolerance information for the flexbody input in the Nodes and Modes dialog is not saved.
  • Component names with backslash and spaces are not handled correctly during export to a solver.
  • Curve created using Create line from points does not maintain its parametric relation with the points.
  • User expression is not displayed in the compliant Joint and Bushing Entity Editor.
  • Static hold option in the FMU Entity Editor gets reset after a change.
  • The Model tree in the FMU Export dialog appears empty after loading the Vehicle Tools Extension.
  • The Solver Array editor Plant Input/Output shows the solver variable button with the wrong default count.
  • Application error in the Python window when changing the node tolerance in the Flexbody Nodes and Modes dialog.
  • Curve extracted using faces is not to properly scaled.
  • Asymmetric bush pair on one side displays a curve that is selected on the other side.
  • "Run Offline" cannot be changed from the Run Motion Analysis dialog box if you have set it in File > Preferences.
  • Action-only guidebar in the Forces context is not restored when the Action only check box is turned off and on.
  • Changing the variable name of an NLFE sets the entity properties back to the default values.
  • Local file widget in user-defined properties fails to accept a string as an input for the DLL name.
  • MotionView crashes on a live run when a body refers to a non-existent point as CG.
  • Expression using getnodecoordinates is not evaluated when the model is loaded or when flexbody is updated.
  • The shortcut key Ctrl+E for Export Solver Deck does not work.
  • Incorrect unit text in the Entity Editor fields when using centimeter as the length unit.
  • MotionView crashes when adding an FMU generated from SmartUQ.
  • hide_in_post for Outline graphics does not work.
  • User-defined Template is not executed during a live run or offline run with Python.
  • Live run does not create a .meta file when the model contains force outputs on bodies.
  • Box graphics orientations are sent incorrectly to msolve Python.
  • Damper graphics are not sent to the solver.
  • Model containing an NLFE does not run.
  • Loading a model with flexbodies referencing previous results may cause a crash.
  • Vehicle model with an N-post event fails to run live.
  • Runs in different folders appear under a different tree under the Run History.
  • Rerun of models with a changed end time shows incorrect animation in the Results Review.
  • Points at interface nodes are not created under the parent system of the flexbody.
  • Making Point designable causes MotionView to crash.
  • Two-wheeler Lane Change events fail when the lane parameters are resulting in very tight turns for considerable velocities.
  • KnC and n-Post events Jacks are not detecting the tire radii properly to place the posts at the contact patch.
  • Suspension models containing dual tires were not properly supported by the n-Post vehicle events. Dual tires were replaced with a single tire.
  • Initial spike in acceleration signals for models that employ Siemens tires with USE_MODE = 514/534.
  • During EDEM co-simulation, the force calculation for rigid bodies were done similar to flexible bodies based on forces on each triangle, which impacted the performance on the rigid models. With the current MotionSolve version, the forces from EDEM are calculated for the entire geometry for rigid bodies since they do not deform.
  • Removed EDEM2H3d converter since HyperView natively supports reading EDEM models and results.
  • Fixed the missing data, which were not saved to an XML file while using save_increment.
  • MotionSolve-EDEM co-simulation issue, where MotionSolve was not responding to models containing flexible bodies with delayed start co-simulation (when the co-simulation start time > 0).