Create and Edit Joint Legs

Use the Joint Legs tool to add, delete, and move joint leg ends around the face of a bounding box.

  1. From the Skeleton ribbon, click the Joint Legs tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select a joint hub to edit.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click to add a new joint leg.
    • Select a joint leg then click to delete it.
    • Select a joint leg and click to reposition it along the bounding box's face.
    • Click to align two opposite joints
    Figure 2.

  4. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • - Apply and stay in the tool
    • - Apply and close the tool
    • - Exit the tool without applying

Align Joints

Use the Align tool to align joints to an anchor.

  1. From the Skeleton ribbon, Joint Legs tool group, click the Align tool.
    Figure 3.

  2. Select the anchor joint – the joint that will not move.
  3. Select the joints you want to move.
    The joint composition is not altered during alignment.
  4. Select a global direction.
  5. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • - Apply and stay in the tool
    • - Apply and close the tool
    • - Exit the tool without applying
Figure 4. Original mode, two joints misaligned

Figure 5. Select the joint to move and define direction

Figure 6. Joint is aligned