Create Joint Hubs
Use the Joint Box tool to define junctions in your skeleton model.

From the Skeleton ribbon, click the Joint Box
Figure 2. -
Select the node or elements around which to create a bounding box.
Any elements found within the box are used for joint creation.
Figure 3. -
on the guide bar to define options.
- Create joint box
- Use the box as a mechanism to select elements to generate the joint location and legs.
- Remove joint legs
- Create a joint without the corresponding legs.
- Mesh member joint
- Automatically create 1D mesh on the joint legs and apply the beam sections.
- Auto weld section
- Will create an enclosed section by stitching flanges together.
- Auto detect thin solids
- Is a classification process of solid geometry to enhance the output of the member creation.
- Create sketch
- Will allow full ease-of-use edit capabilities in sketcher.
- Section cleanup
- Will remove overspill
areas of a section to reduce the section to only what’s desired.
The option will remove a large amount of manual
Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. - Dimensions
Controls the length, width, and weight of the bounding box.
- Use orientation and dimensions
- For repeated operations, the previous box attribute information can be used so that the box can be created the same repeatedly.
Edit the box size in the following ways:
- Click
in the microdialog to move the box globally.
- Click
in the microdialog to update the box's dimensions. You can click a face and drag its arrow or entire a precise value.
Figure 7. - Click
If the member joint is being meshed, set the parameters in the microdialog drop-down.
This automatically creates 1D mesh on the joint legs and applies the beamsections.
Figure 8. - Optional: Click the Exclude selector on the guide bar then pick entities to exclude from the joint if required.
On the guide bar, click one of the following:
- Apply and stay in the tool
- Apply and close the tool
- Exit the tool without applying
Assign Beam Sections to Member Joints
Use the Assign tool if a member joint is created without a beam section or the beam section needs to be changed.
From the Skeleton ribbon, Joint Box tool group, click the
Assign tool.
Figure 9. - Select the member joint(s).
- Select the beam section to assign.
On the guide bar, click one of the following:
- Apply and stay in the tool
- Apply and close the tool
- Exit the tool without applying