Result On Stack

Use the Result on Stack tool to display layer based shell results along with the real stacking sequence of the selected element(s).

As the proper information of the stacking sequence of the element is in the FE deck, you have to load the model (deck) in a HyperMesh client in the same session, so that the tool can access the required information in the database.

Next, you have to contour the needed result in a contour plot and then you can run the application.

Two options are available:
  • Quick Query
  • Append Multiple Results

Quick Query

With Quick Query, you can select one element only and will get a HyperGraph pop-up window showing the needed results.
Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Append Multiple Results

With the option Append Multiple Results, you can select multiple elements and the tool will append to the current session as many HyperGraph pages for as many selected entities.
Figure 3.

Will display:
Figure 4.

Figure 5.

The Result On Stack tool support the following solver profiles:
  • OptiStruct (zone and ply based)
  • Radioss
  • Nastran
  • Abaqus