The options available depend on the Impactor Type that you select. If both Adult and
Child points exist in the target CSV file, then there will be two prompts to select
adult and child.
Figure 1.
Head Impactor
If Head Impactor is selected, the tool asks for the Y-type, Y-request,
and Y-component of the first location for both the Displacement vs Time
graph and the Acceleration vs Time graph. From the next point forward,
it looks for same Y-Type, Y-request, and Y-component. If the same Y-Type
is present but Y-request is not available, then the tool checks if there
is only one Y-request. If more than one Y-request is present, you need
to input the Y-request for the respective point.
Upper Leg Impactor
If Upper Leg Impactor is selected, the dialog is displayed twice to
select the Y-Type, Y-Request and Y-Component: first to plot the
Resultant Force vs Time and then to plot the Bending Moment vs Time
Lower Leg Impactor
If Lower Leg Impactor is selected, the dialog is displayed three times
to select the Y-Type, Y-Request and Y-Component for the Knee Bending
Angle vs Time, Knee Shear Displacement vs Time and the Upper Tibia
Acceleration vs Time graphs.
Note: This dialog is displayed only while post-processing the first deck's results. For
the remaining decks, it takes the Y-Type, Y-Request and Y-Component selected for the
first deck.