Run Adaptive Enclosure

Use the Enclosure: Adaptive tool to create traditional tight or loose enclosure from selected parts.

The Enclosure tools work for tessellated geometry. If the input is b-spline geometry, first convert to discrete geometry using the Convert tool.

If local and proximity controls are defined, they will override the default settings defined in this tool.

  1. From the Discrete ribbon, click the Enclosure > Adaptive tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select parts to enclose.
  3. In the dialog, select a enclosure method.
    • Tight Enclosure - Creates a enclosed surface mesh which adheres as closely as possible to the original topology representation, automatically detecting and following the surface features of the model.

      The accuracy of the output is dictated by the element size. The larger the element size the less detail, the smaller the element size the more detail. This algorithm works differently than the loose enclosure in that it projects the nodes of the enclosure to the original mesh, hence it is able to more accurately capture features.

    • Loose Enclosure - Encloses the selected parts with the target element size specified, and outputs an outer-volume mesh which approximately adheres to the original topology.

      A smaller element size generates a enclosure mesh that more closely approximates the original representation and adheres to more features; a larger element size produces a more basic mesh which ignores more features. The loose enclosure does not project the nodes of the enclosure mesh to the original mesh, and typically the enclosure mesh will have an offset from the original mesh. Again, the offset is dependent on the target element size used.

  4. Choose a volume definition.
    • All - Enclose all volumes.
    • Consider enclosed seeds - Enclose volume enclosed by defined seed nodes.
    • Volume Index - Useful to get largest or second largest volume.
    • Exclude enclosed seeds - Enclose all volumes but not volumes with enclosed seed nodes.
  5. Define remaining enclosure parameters.
  6. Click Run.
    After tight enclosure, the generated result is placed in the first selected part and the part is renamed as “CFD enclosure 1”. Since the enclosed form is manifold, results can be one or multiple solids. The input selection is removed in order to avoid duplication.