
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.

Attention: The icons shown on the ribbon below are used to complete this workflow. Click an icon to learn more about the tool.
Repair SurfacesRepair SolidsShapesSurfacesSolidsCreate and Edit Points/NodesExtract Points and NodesCreate and Edit LinesCombine LinesCreate and Edit PolylinesSplit Surfaces and SolidsStitch Surfaces and Suppress EdgesImprint GeometryDrag and SpinCombine, Subtract, Intersect SolidsFind and Fill CavitiesScale PartsMirror EntitiesMerge Solids or SurfacesDefeature GeometryValidate the ModelMidlinesExtract MidsurfacesExtrude GeometryCreate Ruled Surfaces and SolidsCreate Ruled Surfaces and SolidsDetect LeaksCreate Revolve RegionsSimplify Region