Creating the Port
Define a wire port on the feed pin to excite the dipole. A voltage source will be added to this port.
Note: A port is a mathematical representation of where energy can
enter (source) or leave a model (sink). Use a port to add sources and discrete loads to
a model.
Select the wire where the port is to be added.
- In the model tree, select Bent_dipole.
- In the details tree, select one of the wires of Bent_dipole.
Open the Create Wire Port dialog using one of the
following workflows:
- On the Source/Load tab, in the
Ports group, click the
Wire Port icon.
- In the details tree, a right-click context menu is available on the wire. From the drop-down list, click .
- On the Source/Load tab, in the
Ports group, click the
Under Place port on, click
Figure 1. The Create Wire Port dialog.
- Under Location on wire, select End to place the port on the X axis for the selected wire.
- Click Create to create the port and to close the dialog.