Creating the Bent Dipole

Create the bent dipole using a polyline.

To illustrate the usage of custom workplanes, the bent dipole is created using a custom workplane.
  1. On the Construct tab, in the Create Curve group, click the  Polyline icon.
    Figure 1. The Create Polyline dialog showing the default values. Active fields are outlined in yellow.

    Note: Default values are used on geometry creation dialogs to allow a preview in the 3D view. You may change the values as required.
    Tip: An active field allowing point-entry is indicated by a yellow outline.

    Point-entry allows a variable or named points to be entered by pressing Ctrl+Shift+left click on a variable or named point in the model tree.

  2. Create a polyline.
    1. Under Corner 1, add the following coordinates:
      • Corner 1:
        • U: lambda/4*cos(alpha_rad)
        • V: 0
        • N: lambda/4*sin(alpha_rad)
    2. In the table, click on the second row to make Corner 2 active. Add the following coordinates:
      • Corner 2:
        • U: 0
        • V: 0
        • N: 0
    3. Click Add row for Corner 3. Click on the third row to make Corner 3 active. Add the following coordinates:
      • Corner 3:
        • U: lambda/4*cos(alpha_rad)
        • V: 0
        • N: -lambda/4*sin(alpha_rad)
    4. Set the Label to Bent_dipole.
  3. Modify the origin and orientation of the polyline.
    1. Click the Workplane tab.
    2. Click Custom workplane.
    3. Under Origin, in the X field, enter d.
    4. Under U Vector, in the X field, enter -1.
  4. Click Create to create the polyline and to close the dialog.
Figure 2. The bent dipole with corner point on the X axis.