Topics Discussed in this Example
Before starting this example, check if the topics discussed in this example are relevant to the intended application and experience level.
The topics discussed in this example are:
- Define an optimisation search in CADFEKO.
- Run the optimiser (OPTFEKO).
- Add a wire port to a wire segment.
- Specify symmetry to save computational resources.
- Add a voltage source to a wire port.
- Mesh the model.
- Run CEM validate to ensure the model is electromagnetically validated.
- Run the Solver
- View the optimisation results in POSTFEKO.
Note: Follow the example steps in the order it is presented
as each step uses its predecessor as a starting point.
Tip: Find the completed model in the application macro library1:
GS 7: Optimisation of a Bent Dipole and Plate
1 The
application macro library is located on the Home tab, in the
Scripting group. Click the Application
Macro icon and from the drop-down list, select
Getting Started Guide.