Rigid Link Condition

Rigid Link is a factory setup parameter that allows you to link particles with a single specified Geometry, whether physical or virtual. Once linked, the particles will follow its motion.

To use the Rigid Link condition:
  1. In the Creator Tree, select Geometries and then select Factories.
  2. In the Parameters dialog box, select an option for Rigid Link from the Option dropdown list.
  3. Click the icon to configure the Rigid Link settings and specify the following:
  4. Click Color Rigid Link Particles on the right side of the Toolbar in both the Creator and Simulator tabs to view the linked particles.
  5. In the Analyst tab, select Rigid Link from the Color By dropdown list as an additional coloring option for the particles that are in a Rigid Link bond with a Geometry.

    Similar to selecting BondStatus in Contacts, Rigid Link has '1' and '0' as the maximum and minimum values, respectively, for the particles that are in contact and not in contact.

    The following images explain the function of the On time setting of Rigid Link:

    Here, the is activated after 0.05 s on particles that are in contact with the Geometry. Other particles can move freely.

    Here, the Rigid Link is activated after 0.02 s, linking the particles with the Geometry. The Rigid Link has been set up to require no contacts to link the particles and Geometry, so that all particles in the contact chain are linked to the moving Geometry.