Copy Geometry Sections
You can copy single or multiple Geometry sections that have been previously created and imported.
- Select the Geometry section that you want to copy.
Right-click and select Copy Geometry.
- To create a single copy, select Single Copy or
click the
The copied Geometry appears in the same position as the original it is not offset from its position. The name of the new section will now be called New Section N.
- To create multiple copies, select Multiple Copy
or click the
- Select the number of copies required and then select any of the following naming conventions:
- Default - The Default naming convention creates copies called New Section N, where N is between 1 and the number of copies required.
- Original - The Original naming convention creates copies of Geometries retaining the original name. For example, Bucket will be copied to Bucket(N) where N is between 0 and ‘number of copies required – 1’.
- To create a single copy, select Single Copy or
click the