
  • Cavity Layer Definition
    • Define Cavity Layer Stack by Name Filter: Define a layer containing a specific character string as a Cavity area.
      • Import(.txt): Apply Filter Type based on the characters entered in the .txt file.
        • Apply as a prefix when (|F|) ABC is entered in the .txt file.
        • Apply as a mid-string when ABC is entered in the .txt file.
        • Apply as a suffix when ABC(|P|) is entered in the .txt file.
      • Export(.txt): Export the characters registered in the String Item in .txt file format.
    • Die Component Group: Select a component group where the die parts are mounted in the package.
    • Select Etching Layer: Select a layer drawn Etching area.
  • Checking
    • Item: Specify the item name.
    • Layer Stack: Select a target layer (RDL, Core, BRDL or Physical Layer).
    • Physical Layer: If selected the Physical Layer in the Layer Stack, select the Physical Layer number directly from the drop-down menu.
    • Checking Item:
      • Pattern to Pattern Clearance: Clearance checking between Patterns.
      • Pattern to Copper Clearance: Clearance checking between Pattern and Copper-Pour.
      • Pattern to Pad Clearance: Clearance checking between Pattern and Pad.
      • Pattern to Via Pad Clearance: Clearance checking between Pattern and Via Pad.
      • Copper to Copper Clearance: Clearance checking between Copper-Pours.
      • Copper to Pad Clearance: Clearance between Copper-Pour and Pad.
      • Copper to Via Pad Clearance: Clearance checking between Copper-Pour and Via Pad.
      • Pattern to Package Outline Clearance: Clearance checking between Pattern and Package Outline.
      • Copper to Package Outline Clearance: Clearance checking between Copper-Pour and Package Outline.
      • Minimum Pattern Width: Check the minimum Pattern width.
      • Minimum Via Hole Size: Check the minimum Via Hole size.
      • Minimum Via Pad Size: Check the minimum Via Pad size.
    • Except for pattern which across etching area in “Package Outline” clearance checking: Option to exclude the patterns that cross the etching area in the Pattern to Package Outline Clearance.