Object-Smallest Width
Search the minimum width of objects on certain layer.
- Checking: Check the minimum width size of objects.
- Select Solder Mask Layers: Select solder mask layer from the layer list.
- Define the Number of Result Display: For the same type fails, limit the number of fail results to be shown.
- Item: Specify the item name.
- Checking Layer: Select checking layers from the layer list.
- Attribute (For Selection): For selecting target objects, select the properties of objects on checking layer. Objects with certain properties will be target objects. Upon double-clicking column, the properties list will appear. Among properties, select properties, to select objects.
- Attribute (For Exception): Among target objects, objects with certain properties will be excluded in checking. Upon double-clicking column, the properties list will appear. Among properties, select properties, to be used for exception for objects.
- SR Open (For Exception): If target objects are overlapped with
solder mask, they will be excluded in checking.
Figure 1.