Seatbelt Auto-Extraction

Auto-extraction from the FE model allows for a quick recovery of the seatbelt system without having to recreate the seatbelt.

If an FE model is imported with a seatbelt system without seatbelt metadata defined in the solver input deck, there is no seatbelt system in the Seatbelt Browser.
Restriction: Seatbelt auto-extraction is only available in the LS-DYNA user profile.
  1. To open the seatbelt auto-extraction GUI, right-click in the Seatbelt Browser and select Create > SeatbeltSystem > Auto Generate.
    The seatbelt auto-extraction GUI appears in the Entity Editor.
    Figure 1.

  2. To extract the seatbelt model:
    1. Type a name for the system into the SeatBelt System Name field.
    2. Select all components that define the seatbelt system to be extracted (1D components, 2D components, and so on) in the Seatbelt Mesh Components field.
    3. Select all components that are in direct contact with the seatbelt in the Wrap Around Components field.
    4. In the Start Entity field, select from which entity the seatbelt system starts. This can be a node, element, constrained extra node, or retractor.
    5. In the End Entity field, from which entity the seatbelt system ends. This can be a node, element, constrained extra node, or retractor.
    6. Optional: Select contacts between the seatbelt model and the wrap around components if they already exist.
    7. Click Create.
      The seatbelt system is automatically extracted and exposed in the Seatbelt Browser.