Creating Iso Surfaces and a Contour Plot with Different Result Types

  1. From the Load Model panel, load a 3D model.
  2. Go to the Iso panel.
  3. From the Result type drop-down menu, select the data type that should be used to calculate the iso values (for example, pressure).
  4. Select the data component from the second drop-down menu below Result type.
  5. Click Apply.
    The model is displayed in iso value mode.
  6. Enter a value in the Current value text box or use the slider bar to display a specific value.
  7. Change the value in the Increment by text box to adjust the slider bar movement.
  8. Select an option for Show values to display elements based on result values which are above, equal, or below the threshold.
  9. Next, go to the Contour panel.
  10. From the Result type drop-down menu, select the data type that should be used to calculate the contours (for example, flow speed).
  11. Select the data component from the second drop-down menu below Result type.
  12. Click Apply.
    The contour plot is displayed on the specified iso surface section of the model.
    Figure 1.