Kaiser-Bessel windowing function.
kaiser(vec_expr, alpha)
- vec_expr
- A valid vector expression.
- alpha
- A larger alpha leads to a windowing function with steeper slopes.
Curve Math Results | Result |
x = c1.x
Given c1, a curve is created which is the original curve windowed using the Kaiser-Bessel window function, with alpha = 3. |
The resultant vector is vec_expr multiplied by the Kaiser-Bessel
window function. The Kaiser windowing function is a ratio of Bessel functions.
Windowing functions are normally used in conjunction with frequency operations. An
example of the Kaiser windowing function is shown below.

The resulting curve is power-normalized, in other words, the root mean square (RMS) of the original curve equals the RMS of the resulting curve. The mean is subtracted from the input before windowing in order to eliminate DC bias.