- vidIVideo AbortOverlay
Cancels an overlay after it has been triggered.
- vidIVideo AddMeasure
Adds a measure object to the associated video.
- vidIVideo AddMovie
Adds a new video.
- vidIVideo AddNote
Adds an empty note to the video.
- vidIVideo AddOverlay
Adds a file to the Overlay Panel list, turning on the file.
- vidIVideo AddTracingMarker
Adds a traceable marker to the video.
- vidIVideo AdvanceToMeasure
Changes the timestep on the current page to show given measure.
- vidIVideo Clear
Clears all data from the video.
- vidIVideo ClearCrosshair
Sets the display status for the master measure to off.
- vidIVideo ClearMeasure
Clears the measuring line.
- vidIVideo DeleteAllMeasures
Deletes all measures from the specified video.
- vidIVideo DeleteMeasure
Deletes the specified measure object.
- vidIVideo DeleteTracingMarkerByListIndex
Deletes a tracing marker from the video.
- vidIVideo Draw
Forces the video to redraw.
- vidIVideo DrawMeasure
Draws the measuring line.
- vidIVideo ExportTrackerList
Exports the markers currently defined on the video to a file.
- vidIVideo GetAnnotationLocation
Finds the location of the annotation.
- vidIVideo GetBackgroundColor
Returns the background color.
- vidIVideo GetCrosshairPosition
Gets a string containing the x and y locations of the crosshair cursor.
- vidIVideo GetCStxtColor
Gets the color used for drawing the text in the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo GetCSXaxisColor
Gets the color used for drawing the X axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo GetCSYaxisColor
Gets the color used for drawing the Y axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo GetDisplayTracklineState
Gets the value of the flag denoting whether or not the marker trace lines will be displayed on the video.
- vidIVideo GetDisplayVideoState
Gets the value of the flag denoting whether or not the video will be displayed.
- vidIVideo GetEdgeDetection
Returns the state of edge detection.
- vidIVideo GetFooterHandle
Gets a handle to a pltITitle interface for the footer.
- vidIVideo GetForegroundColor
Returns the foreground color.
- vidIVideo GetHeaderHandle
Gets a handle to a pltITitle interface for the header.
- vidIVideo GetMaxArea
Returns the state of maximum area display.
- vidIVideo GetMeasureHandle
Returns the handle to an amfIMeasure object.
- vidIVideo GetMeasurePoint1X
Returns the x value of the first point in the indexed measure.
- vidIVideo GetMeasurePoint1Y
Returns the y value of the first point in the indexed measure.
- vidIVideo GetMeasurePoint2X
Returns the x value of the first point in the indexed measure.
- vidIVideo GetMeasurePoint2Y
Returns the y value of the first point in the indexed measure.
- vidIVideo GetMeasuresFontHandle
Returns a font handle.
- vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle
Returns the handle to the Media information note of the video.
- vidIVideo GetMovieHandle
Gets a handle to a loaded movie.
- vidIVideo GetNoteHandle
Gets a handle to a pltINote interface for the specified note.
- vidIVideo GetNumberOfMeasures
Returns the number of measures currently added to the selected video.
- vidIVideo GetNumberOfMovies
Returns the number of movies.
- vidIVideo GetNumberOfNotes
Returns the number of notes in the video.
- vidIVideo GetOverlayAllWindows
Determines if the overlay is applied to all windows.
- vidIVideo GetOverlayDuration
Determines the overlay duration.
- vidIVideo GetOverlayPanelList
Returns a list of all videos/images and overlays.
- vidIVideo GetOverlayReps
Determines the number of overlay reps.
- vidIVideo GetOverlayStateList
Returns a list of overlay states in the order they should be displayed on the Overlay Panel.
- vidIVideo GetPinVideo
Returns the flag which causes animation of the video to stay fixed at the origin of the user defined coordinate system.
- vidIVideo GetPlotFlag
Returns the state of a flag which determines if the selected unit system will be used for plotting.
- vidIVideo GetStretch
Determines whether the video is stretched.
- vidIVideo GetTolerance
Determines the tolerance.
- vidIVideo GetTimeFrameFontHandle
Returns a font handle.
- vidIVideo GetTracingMarkerHandle
Gets a handle to the specified marker, to be used to access the APIs available to markers.
- vidIVideo GetUseUnits
Gets a flag which indicates whether lengths and annotations of measures to be reported in the user defined units.
- vidIVideo GetUseUnitsForPlot
Returns the flag indicating if the unit system, if defined, will be used in creating plots for measures and markers.
- vidIVideo GetUseTracking
Returns a flag specifying whether a coordinate system, if defined, will be used in calculating measures.
- vidIVideo ImportTrackerList
Imports the markers saved to a marker (*.mark) file to the video.
- vidIVideo IsFilenameShown
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Determines whether the filename is shown.
- vidIVideo IsFramenumberShown
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Determines whether the frame number is shown.
- vidIVideo IsTimestepShown
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Determines whether the time step is shown.
- vidIVideo IsTolerance
Determines if the tolerance is on.
- vidIVideo MasterMeasureShown
Returns a flag indicating whether the master measure is displayed on the screen.
- vidIVideo Recenter
Recenters the video.
- vidIVideo RemoveMovie
Removes a movie.
- vidIVideo RemoveNote
Removes the specified note from the video.
- vidIVideo SetActiveMovie
Sets the active movie.
- vidIVideo SetAnnotationLocation
Sets the location of the annotation.
- vidIVideo SetBackgroundColor
Sets the background color.
- vidIVideo SetCrosshairPosition
Sets the location of the marker.
- vidIVideo SetCStxtColor
Sets the color used for drawing the text in the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo SetCSXaxisColor
Sets the color used for drawing the X axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo SetCSYaxisColor
Gets the color used for drawing the Y axis arrow of the user coordinate system symbol.
- vidIVideo SetDisplayTracklineState
Sets the value of the flag denoting whether or not the marker trace lines will be displayed on the video.
- vidIVideo SetDisplayVideoState
Sets the value of the flag denoting whether or not the video will be displayed.
- vidIVideo SetDisplayVideoState
Sets the value of the flag denoting whether or not the video will be displayed.
- vidIVideo SetEdgeDetection
Sets the state of edge detection.
- vidIVideo SetForegroundColor
- vidIVideo SetMaxArea
Sets the state of the maximum area display.
- vidIVideo SetMB2Flag
Sets a particular command to the middle mouse button.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint1
Sets the first point of the measuring line.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint1X
Sets the x coordinate of the first point of a static measure.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint1Y
Sets the y coordinate of the first point of a static measure.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint2
Sets the second point of the measuring line.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint2X
Sets the x coordinate of the second point of a static measure.
- vidIVideo SetMeasurePoint2Y
Sets the y coordinate of the second point of a static measure.
- vidIVideo SetMeasureType
Sets the type of measure.
- vidIVideo SetOverlayAllWindows
Sets if the overlay is applied to all windows.
- vidIVideo SetOverlayDuration
Sets the overlay duration.
- vidIVideo SetOverlayReps
Sets the number of overlay reps.
- vidIVideo SetPinVideo
Sets a flag which causes animation of the video to stay fixed at the origin of the user defined coordinate system.
- vidIVideo SetPlotFlag
Sets a flag which determines if the selected unit system will be used for plotting.
- vidIVideo SetStretch
Sets whether the video is stretched.
- vidIVideo SetTolerance
Sets the tolerance.
- vidIVideo SetUseUnits
Sets a flag which causes lengths and annotations of measures to be reported in the user defined units
- vidIVideo SetUseUnitsForPlot
Sets the flag determining if the unit system, if defined, should be used in creating plots for measures and markers.
- vidIVideo SetUseTracking
Sets a flag specifying whether a coordinate system, if defined, will be used in calculating measures.
- vidIVideo ShowFilename
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Sets whether the filename is shown.
- vidIVideo ShowFramenumber
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Sets whether the frame number is shown.
- vidIVideo ShowTimestep
IMPORTANT: This API is now obsolete. Please refer to the
vidivideo GetMediaInfoNoteHandle API to achieve this functionality. Sets whether the time step is shown.
- vidIVideo SwapActiveOverlay
Switches the active video with the overlay video.
- vidIVideo ToggleOverlayState
Sets a specified overlay to toggle between on and off.
- vidIVideo TriggerOverlay
Activates the video overlay.
- vidIVideo Unzoom
Unzooms the video.
- vidIVideo UseTolerance
Sets if the tolerance is on.