I/O Parameter (input/output): about


Within a transient and/or parametric analysis, it is necessary to define what the variable quantities to be analyzed are. The definition of these variable quantities is carried out in Flux by means of the parameters called « I/O parameter (input/output) ».


An I/O parameter can be used:

  • For the physical description of the modeled device: material properties, properties of regions, of non-meshed coils, of mechanical assemblies, of the electric components.
  • For the exploitation of results: 2D curve, predefined calculation, sensor…


An I/O (input/output) parameter is a variable quantity of the study whose values are defined:

  • by means of discrete values, through a controlled I/O parameter *
  • by means of another I/O parameter through a table of values
  • by means of other I/O parameters through formulas
  • by means of a multiphysic coupling (cf Multiphysics: principles )
Note: * A controlled I/O parameter is a parameter that can be driven by the scenario configuration during the solving process.

When to create an I/O parameter?

An I/O parameter can be created at any moment during the project description.

Reference value

For the I/O parameters of piloted type and of multiphysic type, the user must define a reference value.


  • an I/O parameter of the piloted type is a parameter whose variations are defined by means of a scenario
  • an I/O parameter of the multiphysic type is a parameter whose variations are defined by import within a multiphysic coupling

If the I/O parameter is not piloted or there is no multiphysic coupling, then the I/O parameter takes as value its reference value.