Flux in SimLab Examples

See the lists of 2D and 3D SimLab examples using the Flux and Mipse solvers, with all available documents, *.slb databases and all script files.


Flux is being progressively integrated in SimLab to benefit of the easy common environment. Since SimLab 2021.2 Several applications have started to be integrated:
  • 2D Magnetostatic
  • 2D Transient Magnetic
  • Skew Transient Magnetic
  • 3D Electrostatic
  • 3D Magnetostatic
  • 3D Magnetic AC
  • Parasitics Extraction (using MIPSE solver)
  • Supplied Conductors AC (using MIPSE solver)
The creation of several examples are in progress. These examples will be deposited in Altair Community.
Note: Several tutorials are also available on SimLab Learning Center.
