Arrows: options


This section presents the various options associated with the calculation and tracing of arrows by the used support. There are two types of options:

  • options of calculation (available on creation)
  • options of display (available after creation)

Options of calculation

The options of calculation are presented in the table below. The options are accessible in the Complements tab.

Option Definition Comments
Force visibility The user can choose to force the calculation visibility, as the visualization filters adjust themselves.
Internal region or external region for the calculation

If the support for the tracing is the outline of the volume regions, the user calculates and visualizes the local quantity on the outline (the faces) of the volume regions. He can choose one of the following options:

  • calculation on the internal regions

    (outline seen from the interior)

  • calculation on the external regions

    (outline seen from the exterior)

  • calculation on the internal and external regions

    (outline seen from the interior and the exterior )

  • automatic (by default)

    (automatic choice)

only for arrows on boundaries

only in 3D

Calculation on the internal faces of the regions If the support for the tracing is the outline of volume regions, the user can choose to calculate on the internal faces of the volume region (a volume can comprise internal faces necessary only for the construction of the geometry)

only for arrows on boundaries

only in 3D

Type of calculation region If the support for the tracing is Face, the type of the calculation region is necessary. This option is automatically found at the faces selection only in 3D

Display options

The display options are presented in the table below. The options are accessible, once the arrows are computed and displayed, in the zone of options to the right of the graphic zone.

Option Definition
Display mode Top/Bottom If the support for the tracing is a face or a surface region , the calculation of the local quantity is carried out at either side of the face and the user can choose to visualize the local quantity at the top or bottom of the face.
Display mode Internal/External If the support for the tracing is an outline (faces) of a volume region and the calculation of the local quantity is done on the internal and external faces of the region, the user can choose to visualize the local quantity on the internal or external faces of the la region.
Displayed values

The user can modify at will the minimal and maximal pins of the values displayed of the calculated isovalues:

  • modification pin by pin
  • modification of the two pins by changing the range of values

The user can choose the density of the arrows to display. The limitations of this variation of density are:

  • Extreme : displays two arrows corresponding to the calculated minimal and maximal values
  • All : displays all calculated arrows

The user has several possibilities to set the size of the arrows, he can:

  • modify the reference size
  • choose to vary the size by the zoom
  • choose to keep a steady or variable size
Color shade The user has at his disposal different color ranges for the visual representation of the arrows. A cursor enable the user to adjust the number of color in order to improve the color shade.
Arrow shape The user can modify the shape of the arrows displayed (umbrella, cone, pencil)
Rendering quality A ratio performance/quality (visual of arrows) permits to the user to choose a kind of display.
Save/Charge the properties

The user can record the graphic properties of the arrows at an instant t by means of the Save the properties button.

He can then restore these graphic properties by the Charge the properties button.

Repartition of options / support

The table below presents the options available according to the type of support used:

Outline (faces) volume region Surface region Face
Options Internal or external region for the calculation X
Calculation on the « internal faces » of the regions X
Type of calculation region X
Display mode Bottom/ Top X X
Internal/ External X