Add a Selections Sub-section

Selections work after you have configured the Display Selections.

To add a Setup Selections sub-section:
  1. Right-click Setup Selections or click the  icon to add selections of the following types:
    Icon Description

    Adds a manual selection to the analysis

    Adds a Grid bin

    Adds a Geometry Bin

    Adds an imported Geometry Bin Group
  2. Right-click a specific selection from the Analyst Tree and select any of the following:
    Icon Description

    Renames the Selection group

    Copies the Selection group

    Deletes the Selection group

Add a Manual Selection

Manual selection allows you to and track individual particles, Contacts, or Geometries. You can then display, color, graph or export data based on these selections. You can also define and add queries, as well as display detail in the data browser. 

To add a manual selection:
  1. Select Setup Selections, right-click and then select Add Selection, and then select Manual Selection.
  2. Select the Enable Manual Selection checkbox.
    The cursor changes to a cross hair.
  3. Move the pointer into the Viewer.
  4. Click your selection, or press and hold the mouse button and then drag the pointer to draw a selection box.
    • All particle and Geometry elements captured by the box that match the current filter will be part of the selection.
    • If an element is not displayed in the Viewer, it will not be captured by the Selection box. By default, all selected elements are highlighted in orange.
    • You can draw additional selection boxes to add further elements to the selection.
    • All captured elements are listed by their ID in the Manual Selection area.
    • Click the icon to completely remove elements from the selection.

    Note: If you know the specific ID, you can paste the ID into the Geometry of particle sections of the Manual Selection box.

  5. Clear the Enable Manual Selection once complete.
  6. Select the Display in Data Browser checkbox.
    You can add information about the elements in the Selection section within the Data Browser.
    The following example shows a Selection Group where several particles have been individually selected. Coloring has been applied to show Velocity.

    The following example shows where the material has been selected in the form of bands, with each band colored differently to show the cut-depth of the material.

Add a Grid Bin Group Selection

A Grid Bin group splits the model domain into a lattice. Each grid is known as a bin group and each cell is known as a bin. You can monitor anything inside or moving through each bin.

To add a Grid Bin group:
  1. From the Setup Selections Section, right-click and select Add Selection and then select Grid Bin Group.
  2. Define the selection and then click Apply to apply the settings and display the group in the Viewer.
    The following example shows a Grid Bin Group with a highlighted bin at the center.

    By default, the bin group covers the entire domain. However, it can be limited to a specific area by defining a box using the center point and box dimensions options:

    • The number of bins in the group is determined by the number of bins along each axis.

      The orientation of the grid bins can be altered using the rotation option.

    • Empty bins (those containing no elements) can also be removed using the Display Mode dropdown list.

Add a Geometry Bin Selection

A Geometry bin is a bin element based on a Box or Cylinder Geometry type. You can link its position to any static or dynamic Geometry section. The bin is displayed as a mesh of blue lines.

To add a Geometry bin selection:
  1. From the Analyst Tree, right-click Setup Selections section and click Add Selection.
  2. Select Geometry Bin.
  3. Select the Geometry type: Box or Cylinder.
  4. Set the bin’s properties to define its size, shape, and initial position.
  5. Set the filter options to select what to include in the bin.
    By default all particles are included.
  6. Select the display mode and on-screen query options.
    For example, set the display mode so that the bin is displayed only when it contains particles.
  7. Select whether to link the bin’s position to a Geometry element defined in the Creator.
    This links to the center (or zero-point) of the Geometry. If the Geometry has dynamics, the bin will move along with it.
    The following example shows a Geometry bin based on a cylinder. The bin indicates the mass flow rate and moves with the Geometry section it is linked with.

Add an Imported Geometry Bin Group

The imported Geometry Bin group allows you to define a bin group based on an imported mesh file or CAD template created in another package. You can then link the bin group’s position to any defined geometry.

To add an imported Geometry Bin Group:
  1. From the Analyst Tree, right-click Setup Selections and click Add Selection.
  2. Select the imported Geometry Bin Group.
  3. In the CAD Template Selection section, click Import and then navigate to a CAD template file.
    When prompted, set the units and select Merge Sections to set the template as one bin, or leave it unselected to create one bin for each Geometry element. The imported file must contain only solid Geometry elements as you cannot import surfaces (non-closed elements such as a plane).
  4. Set the filter options to determine what to include in the bin.
    By default all particles are included.
  5. Select the display mode and on-screen query options.
    For example, set the display mode so that the bin is displayed only when it contains particles.
  6. Select whether to link the bin’s position to a Geometry element defined in the Creator.
    If the Geometry is dynamic, the bin will move along with it. The following example shows an imported Geometry bin linked to a moving bucket Geometry. A query has been added to display the average particle angular velocity.