Configuration File

Used to manually activate or deactivate a set of features.

The basic syntax for the config file is as follows:
		<option name= “****” value="true/false" />

The following options are supported.

a. Pre-defining the solution settings
The following is used to define the default solution settings.
		<!-- Adaptation = 0 - Global; 1 - Global + local; 2 - Custom -->
		<setting name="adaptation" value="2" />
		<!-- The rest of settings is for custom adaptation only -->
		<setting name="max_number_of_adaptive_solutions" value="3" />
		<setting name="adapt_to_features" value="false" />
		<setting name="adapt_to_thin_solids" value="false" />
		<!-- Refinement level = 0 - standard; 1 - increased; 2 - high -->
		<setting name="refinement_level" value="0" />
This code helps set default solution settings before initiating a SimSolid session.
b. Hide/show solution settings
Solution settings can be hidden or shown in the Project Tree for each subcase using the following source code.
		<option name="hide_solution_settings" value="false" />
The following example shows default solutions settings for global + local, including the code to hide settings in the Project Tree.
		<option name="hide_solution_settings" value="true" />
		<!-- Adaptation = 0 - Global; 1 - Global + local; 2 - Custom -->
		<setting name="adaptation" value="1" />

Methods to Invoke config File

There are three methods to invoke the config file.

1. Environmental variable
Set up the environment variable as shown below:
Variable value		: <file path>
Once the variable is set and saved, open a new SimSolid session to notice the influence of the config file.
2. Command line
The respective config file can be patched to the SimSolid session with the following line:
<Path to SimSolid installation folder>\simsolid.exe> --config <Path to SimSolid configuration file>\simsolid.config
C:\Program Files\Altair\2024.1\SimSolid2024.1\simsolid.exe” --config “C:\Program Files\Altair\2024.1\SimSolid2024.1\simsolid.config
3. Place the config file in the installation directory
The config file with desired settings must be saved and can be placed in the SimSolid installation folder. Once a new session is opened, the settings in the config file will be reflected.