Mark Placement
Verify the placement of a specified board mark. For example, a lead-free mark, fuse mark, and so on
More detailed information:
- Item: Specify the item name.
- Check Option: Contains the options for mark placement on the board. Double-click the desired location in the dialog to add to the Check Option list.
- Mark Component Group: Define the mark component group.
- Check Mark Existence: Verify the mark on the board.
- Mark Placed Layer: Define the layer where the mark is located.
- Select Top, Bottom, or All Layers to define the layer of the specified mark.
- Coexistence with Fiducial Mark Component on Same Layer: Enter a component group placed in the same layer with the specified mark to verify or exclude from verification.
- Coupled Component on Reversed Layer: Enter a coupled component on the reversed layer of the specified mark.
- Mark Distance: Verify the existence of a mark within a certain distance of a
component group.
- One to One Component for each Mark: Detect if the number of components is equivalent to marks within the measured distance. If the number is higher or lower, an error is detected.
- Mark Location from Board Corners: Verify the mark location from each corner
of the board.
Figure 1. Example of the Board Corner Locations