Component on Component

Verify the specified components placement on the board.

The specified component is located above or below the coupled components.

More Detailed information:
  • Add Check Item: Enter the number of items in the box and click Add Check Item to add items for verification.
  • Except Unclassified Component to Below Comp Group: Exclude components absent from the Below Component Group window from verification.
  • Check Item: Specify the item name.
  • Upper Component Group: Enter the group of components located above the component selected for verification. For example, enter Shield Can.
  • Below Component Group: Enter the group of components located below the component selected for verification.
  • Upper Component Count: Verify the number of upper components. Over case is detected as an error.
  • Overlap: Place an overlapped case on a specified component. For example, an eyelet is placed on another DIP type component.
  • Pin MisMatch: Detect a mismatched pin location between the upper component and the below component. If the pin location is mismatched, it is detected as an error.
  • Minimum Pin Match: If there is at least one pin location between the upper component and the bottom component matched, it is detected as pass.
  • POP(Package on Package): Verify the first pin mark on components used for Package on Package assembly.
  • Layer: Define the layer of the first pin mark in the POP feature.
  • Tolerance: Enter a tolerance for the verification of the first pin mark in the POP feature. If the first pin mark is within the entered tolerance, it passes the detection.