This manual presents examples solved using Radioss with regard to common problem types.
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Bending test on a twisted beam modeled with triangular and quadrilateral meshes and different element formulations (QEPH, QBAT, DKT18).
A snap-through problem is studied on a shallow cylindrical roof upon which an imposed velocity is applied at its mid-point.
An S-beam is crushed against a rigid wall with initial velocity.
A beam frame receives an impact from a mass having initial velocity.
The fluid-structure interaction and the fluid flow are studied in cases of a fuel tank sloshing and overturning. A bi-phase liquid-gas material with an ALE formulation is used to define the interaction between water and air in the fuel tank.
The purpose of this example is to study the energy propagation and the momentum transfer through several bodies, initially in contact with each other, subjected to multiple impact. The process of collision and the energetic behavior upon impact are described using a 3-dimensional mode.
The purpose of this example is to model and predict the responses of very high strain rates on a material during impact.
The impact and rebound between balls on a small billiard table is studied. This example deals with the problem of defining interfaces and transmitting momentum between the balls.
Pure bending test with different 3- and 4-nodes shell formulations.
Material characterization using a tensile test.
After a quasi-static pre-loading using gravity, a dummy cyclist rides along a plane, then jumps down onto a lower plane. Sensors are used to simulate the scenario in terms of time.
A shockwave is generated inside a shock tube filled with air and impacts an aluminum plate.
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of quadratic interface contact using two gears in contact with identical pitch diameter and straight teeth. Two different contact interfaces are compared.
Quasi-static loading analysis on a dummy, settling on a seat before crash analysis, using Altair Radioss explicit or Radioss implicit solvers.
The crashing of a box beam against a rigid wall is a typical and famous example of simulation in dynamic transient problems. The purpose for this example is to study the mesh influence on simulation results when several kinds of shell elements are used.
A square plane subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane static loading is a simple element test. It allows you to highlight element formulation for elastic and elasto-plastic cases. The under-integrated quadrilateral shells are compared with the fully-integrated BATOZ shells. The triangles are also studied.
Elastic wave propagation on a half-space subjected to a vertically-distributed load.
Ice cube dropping on two sliding channels.
The modeling of a camshaft, which takes the engine's rotary motion and translates it into linear motion for operating the intake and exhaust valves, is studied.
The ditching of an object into a pool of water is studied using ALE and SPH approaches. The simulation results are compared to the experimental data and to the analytical results.
A frictional mechanism is studied, which consists of a brake system, defined by a disc pinched between two pads.
Two rolling rigid cylinders squeeze a plate to laminate it.
An explicit stamping simulation is followed by a spring-back analysis using implicit or explicit solvers for stress relaxation.
A metallic thick plate is perforated by a rigid sphere. Simulation of the rupture uses different failure models.
Simulation of a soccer ball impact on a goal post.
A Fluid-Structure-Interaction (FSI) problem is studied. The Radioss ALE/CFD solver is used to resolve the problem.
A rubber ring resting on a flat rigid surface is pushed down by a circular roller to produce self-contact on the inside surface of the ring. Then the roller is simultaneously rolled and translated so that crushed ring rolls along the flat surface.
The purpose of this example is to plot numerical pressure, internal energy, and sound speed for a perfect gas material law.
Blow molding with Advanced Mass Scaling (AMS).
Separate the whole model into main domain and sub-domain and solve each one with its own timestep. The new Multi-Domain Single Input Format makes the sub-domain part definition with the /SUBDOMAIN keyword.
An experimental test used to characterize the adiabatic expansion of detonation products. It allows JWL EOS parameters to be determined.
Introduces how to model a solid element spotweld using /MAT/LAW83 + /FAIL/SNCONNECT and validate results using experiment data.
The purpose of this example is to introduce solid element modeling for spotweld connection.
Using SPH elements to simulate a bird hitting a windshield.
The aim of this example is to introduce /INIVOL for initial volume fractions of different materials in multi-material ALE elements, /SURF/PLANE for infinite plane, and fluid structure interaction (FSI) with a Lagrange container.
The purpose of this example is to introduce how to use typical visco-elastic material to simulate creep and stress relaxation tests.
A heat source moved on one plate. Heat exchanged between a heatsource and a plate through contact, also between a plate and theatmosphere (water) through convective flux.
The target of the cut methodology is to study one area of the model by applying the deformation of the full model to a smaller model.
Impacts of rotating structures usually happen while the structure is rotating at a steady state. When the structure is rotating at very high speeds, it is necessary to include the centrifugal force field acting on the structure to correctly account for the initial stresses in the structure due to rotation.
The target of this example is to demonstrate how to use material test data for rubber hyperplastic materials.
This manual presents solved verification models.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding Radioss.
This manual provides detailed information about the theory used in the Altair Radioss Solver.
This manual describes the interface between Altair Radioss and user subroutines.
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