RD-E: 5200 Creep and Stress Relaxation
The purpose of this example is to introduce how to use typical visco-elastic material to simulate creep and stress relaxation tests.

Options and Keywords Used
- Boundary condition (/BCS)
- Rigid body (/RBODY)
- Concentrated force load (/CLOAD)
- Imposed displacement (/IMPDISP)
Input Files
Model Description
- For stress relaxation test: The foam sample has been compressed until a given strain and kept in this state.
- For creep test: The foam sample has been tensile under constant force.

Units: mm, s, Mg, N, MPa
- Material Properties
- Value
- Initial density
- 2e-9 [Mg/mm3]
- Bulk modulus
- 66.67
- Long time shear modulus Ginf
- 10
- Shear modulus G1
- 90
- Decay constant
- 1 = 0.01 [1/ms]
Model Method

For stress relaxation test: The foam sample has been compressed under constant displacement (/IMPDISP).
For creep test: The foam sample has been tensile under constant force (/CLOAD).

In LAW40 shear modulus is reduced with time and tends to G∞ after an infinite period of time. The softening speed is determined by relaxation parameter . Higher relaxation parameter means quick softening.

The general case of viscous materials represents time-dependent in elastic behavior. Creep is time-depended deformation and stress relaxation is a time-depended decrease in stress. Viscous material can describe these two phenomenons. In Radioss, the following material laws describe viscous:
Visco-elastic Law
- /MAT/LAW34
- Visco-elastic generalized Maxwell model, Boltzmann (solids)
- /MAT/LAW35
- Visco-elastic generalized Maxwell-Kelvin-Voigt (shells + solids)
- /MAT/LAW38
- Visco-elastic tabulated (solids)
- /MAT/LAW40
- Visco-elastic generalized Maxwell-Kelvin (solids)
- /MAT/LAW42
- Ogden/Mooney-Rivlin with Prony viscosity (Hyperelastic materials)
- /MAT/LAW62
- Ogden (Hyperelastic materials)
- /MAT/LAW70
- Visco-elastic tabulated (solids)
- /MAT/LAW77
- Visco-elastic tabulated with porosity and air flow
Visco-elastic Plastic Law
- /MAT/LAW33
- Visco-elastic plastic (solids) and user-defined yield function
- /MAT/LAW52
- Gurson, visco-elasto-plastic porous metals, and strain rate dependent
- /MAT/LAW66
- Semi-analytical plastic model. Yield surface built from curves in tension, compression and shear + /VISC/PRONY