LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefine a rectangular box in the global or local coordinate system.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Box_ID XP1 YP1 ZP1 XP2 YP2 ZP2
If OPTION = LOCAL, insert the following lines.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
Ox Oy Oz


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Box_ID Box identifier.
XP1 X coordinate of first point (minimum).


[ m ]
YP1 Y coordinate of first point (minimum).


[ m ]
ZP1 Z coordinate of first point (minimum).


[ m ]
XP2 X coordinate of second point (maximum).


[ m ]
YP2 Y coordinate of second point (maximum).


[ m ]
ZP2 Z coordinate of second point (maximum).


[ m ]
X1 X coordinate on local 𝑥-axis.


Y1 Y coordinate on local 𝑥-axis.


Z1 Z coordinate on local 𝑥-axis.


X2 X coordinate on local 𝑥y-vector.


Y2 X coordinate on local 𝑥y-vector.


Z2 X coordinate on local 𝑥y-vector.


Ox X coordinate of skew origin.


[ m ]
Oy Y coordinate of skew origin.


[ m ]
Oz Z coordinate of skew origin.


[ m ]


  1. If OPTION is defined, XP1, YP1, ZP1, XP2, YP2, and ZP2 are expressed in the local coordinate system.
  2. This keyword maps to /BOX/RECTA and /SKEW/FIX if the option LOCAL is defined.