Topology Optimization

A mathematical technique that produces an optimized shape and material distribution for a structure within a given package space.

By discretizing the domain into a finite element mesh, OptiStruct calculates material properties for each element. The OptiStruct algorithm alters the material distribution to optimize the user-defined objective under given constraints. Convergence occurs in line with the description provided on the Gradient-based Optimization Method page.

Beginning in V14.0, an improved Topology Optimization formulation is available that aims at producing more discrete results for all topology runs including manufacturing constraints. This formulation can be activated using OPTPRM,TOPDISC.

The following responses (refer to Responses for a description) are currently available as the objective or as constraint functions:
Mass Volume Volume or Mass Fraction
Center of Gravity Moment of Inertia Static Compliance
Static Displacement Natural Frequency von Mises Stress on Entire Model (only as constraint)
Buckling Factor (special case) Frequency Response Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration Temperature
Weighted Compliance Weighted Frequency Combined Compliance Index
Function Stress (DRESP1-based) Composite Stresses
Composite Strains Composite Failure Criteria --