Warning Message Database
This section is comprised of warning messages in ascending numerical order.
The OptiStruct Warning Message Database contains a list of typical WARNING messages printed in the .out file for OptiStruct runs. This current version (version 2) contains messages related to Linear and Nonlinear Static Analysis solutions that, if encountered, may influence the results of a run.
#300 through #599
In static load case 2 the compliance is negative or large. Optimization/buckling analysis cannot be performed due to possible rigid body mode.
This warning can occur when there is rigid body motion in the model or if deformation is extremely large.
- Check the model for any modeling errors which may cause rigid body modes.
- Check if loading is extremely high compared to the stiffness of the model.
- PARAM, HGHCMPOK can be used to turn on or off the check for negative and very large compliance values.
RBE3 element has nonzero weights at rotational (456) dofs of independent grids. This practice may result in undesirable load distribution – use with caution.
This warning occurs when non-zero weights are assigned to rotational degrees of freedom of independent grid points of RBE3 elements.
RBE3 element has only two independent grids. This practice may result in undesirable load distribution – use with caution.This warning indicates that an RBE3 element contains only two independent grid points.
SUBCOM 2 has DEFORM loading not matching with all SUBSEQ static subcases.
This warning occurs when a different DEFORM loading is specified for the combination subcase when compared to all the SUBSEQ static subcases.
Make sure that the combination subcase has the same DEFORM loading.
SUBCOM 2 has no TEMP loading that some SUBSEQ static subcases have.
This warning occurs when the TEMP loading is specified for the combination subcase, but they are not specified for some individual SUBSEQ subcases.
Define TEMP loading for all the individual SUBSEQ subcases.
SUBCOM 2 has TEMP loading not matching with all SUBSEQ static subcases.
This warning occurs when a different TEMP loading is specified for the combination subcase when compared to all the SUBSEQ static subcases.
Make sure that the combination subcase has the same TEMP loading.
#600 through #999
Curved thick shell correction (PARAM, CURVSHL2, YES) is not supported for composites and membrane-bending coupling (MID4 on PSHELL). Standard stress/strain calculations will be used.
Correction via PARAM,CURVSHL2,YES is not applicable to composites and shells with membrane-bending coupling. If such entities are present in the model, their stress and strain calculations will be done using standard calculations for thin shells.
#1000 through #1199
Force data has zero force.
This warning indicates that certain nodes have concentrated forces; however, the magnitude for this force is set to zero.
Consistency requirement E=2G(1+NU) violated significantly. Different values of G (either provided or inferred depending on element type) will be used. See the Material Property Checks section of the documentation.
This warning is due to the violation of the relationship between elastic constants E, G and NU.
- Check the values for E, G, and NU on the MAT1 entry.
- It is recommended to enter only two of the elastic constants. OptiStruct automatically calculates the third constant.
The PARAM data <name1> is not recognized.
This warning occurs when any unrecognized parameters are specified in the model. The features of the parameters will not be implemented in the model since they are not recognized.
Refer to the OptiStruct Reference Guide to verify if the parameters are supported. Check for any errors in spelling out the parameter name.
Moment data has zero moment.
This warning shows that moment defined on certain nodes have zero magnitude.
PSHELL 2 has only membrane stiffness (blank MID2 and MID3) but 12I/T**3 and/or TS/T are not blank.
This warning occurs if the MID2 (bending) and MID3 (transverse shear) on the PSHELL entry are blank but bending stiffness parameter (12I/T3) and transverse shear parameter (TS/T, transverse shear thickness divided by the membrane thickness) are not blank.
Determine if MID2 and MID3 are intended to be left blank for your model.
Control card <name1> is not specified for SUBCASE # 2. Using ID 3 from default subcase.
This warning occurs when a particular subcase entry is not specified for a subcase. OptiStruct uses the default subcase entry defined in the global case control section.
Make sure that the global control card being used is expected for this subcase; otherwise, you can define a specific entry for the subcase.
SB blank or zero on PCOMP data, respective failure calculations will be skipped.
This warning occurs when the allowable interlaminar shear stress is left blank and failure calculations are requested to be performed.
PLOAD data has zero pressure.
This error occurs when the pressure boundary conditions have zero magnitude as input.
GRAV data has zero gravity.
This warning indicates that the components of gravity vectors are set to zero.
Multiple and inconsistent definitions for TEMP(LOAD or BOTH).
This warning indicates that there are multiple TEMPERATURE entries in the Subcase Information section and they reference to multiple corresponding Bulk Data Entries, which reference inconsistent temperature loading for the same nodes.
Determine whether the loading applied in the Subcase section is expected. If so, you may remove any unused TEMPERATURE entries from the Subcase Information section.
Tapered BEAM's are not supported. Prismatic beam with adjusted properties will be used. Stress recovery location will not be adjusted, and may be incorrect.
This warning occurs when a beam element defined by PBEAML is tapered and it is not a rod cross-section. Currently, only beams with a rod cross-sectional type are supported as tapered beams in OptiStruct.
Use a tapered beam with a rod cross-sectional type or use a prismatic beam.
Missing ENDT in <name1> data.
This warning occurs when the end of a table entry (for example TABLED1) is not indicated by the existence of ENDT keyword.
Make sure the field entries are terminated by an ENDT keyword.
ALIGN type weld does not use GAi, GBi nodes.
This warning occurs when grid identification numbers of first (GAi nodes) and second (GBi nodes) patch surfaces are defined for ALIGN type in CWELD elements. They are not required.
Refer to CWELD element types for more information on element definition.
Both gap orientation vector and CID specified. Orientation vector will be ignored.
This warning occurs when both, the orientation components and CID of CGAP or CGAPG elements are specified.
Specify either the gap orientation vector or the CID for gap elements. You can run gap element checks first prior to running the full model by setting GAPPRM,CHKRUN,YES and making sure all the gap elements are set up as expected.
PSHELL 2 has T= blank (field 4): thickness value must be specified on all elements using this property.
This warning indicates that the thickness value (T) defined on the PSHELL entry is blank.
The thickness parameter can be defined either on the element entry or on the property entry. Nodal thicknesses can be defined via the corresponding element entries (Ti fields).
#1200 through #1999
Stress recovery points at intermediate locations are not supported. Only endpoints will be used for stress recovery.
The warning occurs when stress recovery at intermediate stations along CBEAM elements are requested. Currently it is not supported in OptiStruct. Refer to PBEAM Bulk Data Entry for more details.
One possible option is to increase the number of 1D elements in the same length to capture more result information.
Stress recovery points at both endpoints do not match. Endpoint B will use the same recovery location as endpoint A.
The warning indicates that the stress recovery points at end points A and B for a CBEAM element do not match. They must be the same.
Neutral axis offsets (N1, N2) do not match at both endpoints. Averaged values will be used in the solver.
This warning occurs in PBEAM elements when the coordinates of neutral axis at end A (N1A, N2A) do not match at end point B (N1B, N2B).
No SPC or SUPORT1 data specified for static SUBCASE.
This warning indicates that there are no SPC or SUPORT1 constraints specified for the corresponding static subcase in the model.
Make sure the model is constrained.
Card <name1> was present above the first SUBCASE section, but this default was not needed in any SUBCASE.
This warning occurs when global case control card is defined for a model, but this default was not needed in any subcase.
Refer to the Bulk Data Input File in the Reference Guide for more information.
Make sure that the global entry is not intended to be used by any subcase in the model.
Temperature-dependent materials are present in Linear Static subcases without SYSSETTING, TLOADMAT,1/2. TEMP(BOTH) or TEMP(MAT) depending on their order) will be used to update material properties for temperature-dependent materials in linear static subcases. If TEMP(BOTH) and TEMP(MAT) are not present, then TEMP(INIT) is used instead.
This warning occurs when temperature-dependent material properties are present in a model containing linear static subcase(s) without SYSSETTING,TLOADMAT.
Syntax error in DEQATN. The number of characters in the label "<name1>" exceeds 8. Name of this variable was truncated.
The DEQATN entry should be specified only in fixed format and free field format. Large field format is not supported. Refer to Bulk Data Guidelines and the DEQATN entry in the Reference Guide for more information.
Variable names with characters greater than 8 are silently disregarded which may result in DEQATN error or in a valid expression different from that intended.
Use variable names with length less than 8 characters.
Multiple XYPLOT, XYPEAK, or XYPUNCH on this card.
This warning occurs when duplicate operations are defined in XYPLOT/XYPEAK/XYPUNCH command. This command can be changed in the I/O Options section of the input file.
Check if multiple XYPLOT/XYPEAK/XYPUNCH entries are defined in the model and if so, see if you can retain the corresponding entry of interest for this run.
2 PARAM(s) were not recognized.
This warning occurs when any unrecognized parameters are specified in the model. The features of the parameters will not be implemented in the model since they are not recognized.
Check the OptiStruct Reference Guide to verify that the parameters are supported. Check for any spelling errors in the parameter name.
ID list in SET has duplicate entries, or overlapping 'thru' ranges.
This warning indicates that there are duplicate or overlapping entries in SET.
Check to make sure that your SET entry contains the expected entities.
SPC SID=4 is not referenced by Case Control.
This warning indicates that a single point constraint Bulk Data Entry is not referenced in any subcase or from the global case control section.
- Check if the model is properly constrained.
- If this SPC Bulk Data Entry is required, then reference it in either the subcase section or global case control section using the corresponding SPC entry.
Static Loadcase 2 has zero static force vector.
This warning occurs when zero static force vector is defined in a loadcase.
#2000 through #2999
PARAM, AUTOSPC or PARAM, PRGPST are used together with AUTOSPC card. AUTOSPC is recommended replacement for these two PARAMs.
This warning occurs when both, AUTOSPC card and PARAM,AUTOSPC are defined in the analysis.
AUTOSPC card replaces parameters PARAM, AUTOSPC and PARAM,PRGPST. The parameter cards may be removed.
PSHELL 2 has small thickness <#> which is less than or equal to the PARAM, SHL2MEM setting <#>, so it will be converted to pure membrane by removing MID2 and MID3.
PARAM, SHL2MEM automatically converts a shell property to a membrane property if the membrane thickness (field T) of the PSHELL Bulk Data Entry is less that the value specified using PARAM,SHL2MEM.
If this configuration is not desired in the current model, PARAM, SHL2MEM setting can be removed.
OptiStruct does not allow rigid elements connected to GRIDs which are affected by PERBC, CONNECT.
This warning indicates that there are some rigid elements (RBAR, RBE1, RBE2, RBODY, etc.) connected to a PERBC constraint. PERBC is a command used for applying periodic boundary conditions to the model.
Refer to the OptiStruct Reference Guide for detailed information on rigid element types.
#3000 through #3999
The Young's modulus calculated from the TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=2 is not equal to the value specified in the corresponding MAT1. This will produce inconsistent elastic and plastic formations and may yield unexpected results.
If TID is defined on a corresponding MATS1 entry, then the Young’s modulus calculated from TABLES1 data should be equal to the Young’s modulus defined on MAT1 entry.
Check to make sure that the two moduli are equal.
The initial yield stress defined in the TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=2 is not equal to the value specified in the corresponding MATS1. This may yield unexpected results.
The initial yield point in MATS1 can be defined via LIMIT1. It also can be referenced via TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry. The warning indicates that the two initial yield stresses are not equal.
- Check to make sure that the two initial yield stresses are equal.
- The LIMIT1 field can be blank, if the initial yield point is defined via TABLES1 or TABLEG entries.
No CNTNLSUB is defined for subcase 2. This may cause incorrect results in the pretensioned subcase due to load path dependent behavior.
The CNTNLSUB command can be used in the Subcase Information section to continue a nonlinear solution from a preceding subcase. When it is not defined, the nonlinear subcase executes a new solution sequence starting from the initial, stress-free state of the model. This may produce incorrect results.
For path-dependent problems, it is recommended to use CNTNLSUB command.
Pretension definition <name1> 2 uses negative value which stretches the bolt.
This warning occurs when a negative value of force or adjustment (shortening) is defined in pretensioned analysis. This warning can occur in PTADD, PTADJST, PTFORCE and PTFORCE1 Bulk Data Entries.
Check if any negative values are prescribed in the Bulk Data Entries which are referenced for pretensioning in the Subcase section.
PBUSH/PBUSHT 2: Ki (i=3) is none-zero and the corresponding KN-TIDi is given. In linear analysis, Ki is used and KN-TIDi is ignored
This warning occurs when both K and KN are defined for a PBUSHT entry. KN references force versus deflection tables and is only used for nonlinear analysis.
- Since only K on PBUSHT is used for a linear analysis, check if the corresponding K values are as expected for this model.
- If KN are not required, they can be removed from the model, since they are not used in any linear analysis.
#4000 through #4999
Failure index output request is no longer activated by CSTRESS card. Please use CFAILURE card to request the failure index output.
The warning occurs when failure index output (FT) is requested in CSTRESS Subcase Information Entry. OptiStruct no longer activates failure index through the CSTRESS card.
Material id 2 referred by property id 3 does not have MATF defined. PUCK failure calculation is skipped.
The warning occurs when /FAIL/PUCK is defined in the property entry, but MATF is not defined on the referenced material entry.
OptiStruct will skip the failure calculations.
Material constants (Deviatoric) order for MATHE #2 is not specified.
The warning indicates that the order of distortional strain energy polynomial function (NA) is not specified on MATHE entry. OptiStruct will use the default order N=2.
Material constants (Volumetric) order for MATHE #2 is not specified
The warning indicates that the order of volumetric strain energy polynomial function (ND) is not specified on MATHE entry. OptiStruct will use the default order N=1.
FLLWER definition is valid for large-displacement nonlinear analysis only. Follower force calculation is disabled for subcase #2.
The warning occurs when follower’s force is activated in small displacement nonlinear analysis. Follower’s force definition is only valid for large displacement analysis.
Load set # 2, which references pressure loads (PLOAD/PLOAD2/PLOAD4), is applied in large displacement nonlinear analysis SUBCASE # 3 without follower option specified. Follower effect with follower option '1' will be taken into account for these pressure loads in SUBCASE #4.
Pressure loads are follower loads, by default, in large displacement nonlinear analysis. This default follower effect can be turned off by using PARAM,FLLWER,0.
No contact element is created for CONTACT 2 at the start of analysis. The SRCHDIS of this contact is 1.123400. It may be necessary to use a larger SRCHDIS (e.g., 2.123400). It is also possible that the Secondary nodes/facets are not in the projection zone of the Main surface.
The SRCHDIS field on the CONTACT and TIE entries is the search distance criterion for creating the contact interface. When specified, only secondary nodes that are within the SRCHDIS distance from the main surface will have the contact condition checked.
#5000 through #5999
The coordinate system, 2, specified by PARAM UCORD was not defined.
This warning occurs when coordinate system ID specified by the user on PARAM,UCORD is not found in the model. Refer to PARAM, UCORD in the Reference Guide for more information.
The rigid element contribution is not included in geometric stiffness matrix for buckling. PARAM, KGRGD, YES will consider it.
This warning occurs when rigid elements, such as RBE2, are used for buckling analysis. By default, the contribution of rigid elements to the geometric stiffness is not included.
Use PARAM,KGRGD,YES in the Bulk Data section to consider the effect.
No result of shell elements in Subcase 1 Load 7 satisfies the output filter defined by THRESH in STRESS.
This warning occurs when a result requested by the user does not satisfy the threshold on the result card. For example, the output filter defined by THRESH in STRESS Subcase Information Entry in random response analysis is high and the stress results cannot be output.
Surface stress is only available for solid elements with MAT1 or MAT2. Surface stress of solid elements with MAT ID = 2 will not be calculated.
When surface stresses are requested, OptiStruct automatically creates a 2D skin on the outer surfaces of solid elements in the model.
Use MAT1 or MAT2 materials to output surface stresses.
Neuber stress is included. Shells and solids will be treated as linear elements for all the subcases, and MATS1 will be only used for Neuber correction.
Neuber corrected stresses and strains are calculated based on the von Mises stresses and strains, respectively, from elastic analysis, the Young's modulus, and the nonlinear material properties defined on MATS1 Bulk Data Entry. MATS1 will only be used for Neuber correction.
Elements with linear material will be excluded from Neuber stress/strain output.
Neuber method corrects elastic results to capture local plasticity. Any elements which have linear material will be excluded from Neuber Stress/Strain output.
CSTRESS is requested but SOUTi in PCOMP(G) 2 is blank.
The warning occurs when CSTRESS/CSTRAIN/CFAILURE cards are defined in the Subcase Information section. CSTRESS/CSTRAIN/CFAILURE requests composite stress/strain/failure output, respectively.
Change the SOUT# in PCOMP to YES.
The CBUSH/CBUSH1D/CELASx (x = 1/2/2F/3/4/4F) element 2 is defined with a negative spring stiffness.
The warning occurs when a negative value of spring stiffness is specified on PBUSH/PBUSH1D/CELASx cards.
#6000 through #7999
Loadcase 2 contains conflicting STRESS/STRAIN/FORCE output requests. CORNER, BILIN, CUBIC or SGAGE must be identical for all output formats.
STRAIN (center) = ALL
STRESS(cubic) = ALL
Loadcase 2 contains a MPCFORCE output request but NLOUT incremental output isn't available for small displacement analysis. Results will be output for the last increment exclusively.
This warning occurs when certain output requests are made in OptiStruct, and they are not available for small displacement analysis. For example, MPCFORCE is only available for large displacement analysis.
GPFORCE(ELEM,H3D)=ALL is requested for loadcase 2. This may significantly increase the memory requirements and computational cost. Please consider using a smaller SET of grids instead.
Grid point forces with element contributions, GPFORCE(ELEM,H3D), may lead to significant usage of memory and computing time.
If possible, consider using a smaller set.
PARAM, AUTOMSET, YES is present along with JOINTG. PARAM, AUTOMSET, YES will not be honored in this case.
PARAM,AUTOMSET,YES will not be applied if JOINTG exists in the model.