This manual provides detailed information regarding the features, functionality, and simulation methods available in OptiStruct.
This section provides an overview of the following optimization types.
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OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
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The execution of OptiStruct is described here.
Elements are a fundamental part of any finite element analysis, since they completely represent (to an acceptable approximation), the geometry and variation in displacement based on the deformation of the structure.
The different material types provided by OptiStruct are: isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic materials. The material property definition cards are used to define the properties for each of the materials used in a structural model.
High Performance Computing leverages computing power, in standalone or cluster form, with highly efficient software, message passing interfaces, memory handling capabilities to allow solutions to improve scalability and minimize run times.
OptiStruct includes a variety of in-house and third-party solvers for applications in different engineering and technology fields.
Contact is an integral aspect of the analysis and optimization techniques that is utilized to understand, model, predict, and optimize the behavior of physical structures and processes.
The Structural Analysis section provides an overview of the following analyses.
The Thermal Analysis section provides an overview of the following analyses.
An electrical analysis involves calculation of electric potential in structures subject to electrical loads.
The Acoustic Analysis section provides an overview of the following analyses.
OptiStruct and AcuSolve are fully-integrated to perform a Direct Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction (DC-FSI) Analysis based on a partitioned staggered approach.
Fatigue Analysis is intended for solutions to structures in a large number of loading cycles.
Aeroelastic Analysis is the study of the deflection of flexible aircraft structures under aerodynamic loads, wherein the deformation of aircraft structures in turn affect the airflow.
A multibody system is defined to be an assembly of sub-systems (bodies, components, or sub-structures).
Rotor Dynamics is the analysis of structures containing rotating components.
Piezoelectric materials are a class of materials in which structural deformation triggers electrical potential and vice versa.
The NVH Applications and Techniques section provides an overview of the following:
OptiStruct provides industry-leading capabilities and solutions for Powertrain applications. This section aims to highlight OptiStruct features for various applications in the Powertrain industry. Each section consists of a short introduction, followed by the typical Objectives in the field for the corresponding analysis type.
This section provides an overview of the capabilities of OptiStruct for the electronics industry. Example problems pertaining to the electronics industry are covered and common solution sequences (analysis techniques) are demonstrated.
Provides an overview of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for aerospace applications using OptiStruct.
The Analysis Techniques section provides an overview of the following:
The following boundary conditions are outlined here.
OptiStruct generates output depending on various default settings and options. Additionally, the output variables are available in a variety of output formats, ranging from ASCII (for example, PCH) to binary files (for example, H3D).
How to create output from OptiStruct for third party programs.
The following features are in this section.
A mathematical technique that produces an optimized shape and material distribution for a structure within a given package space.
Free-size optimization is defined through the DSIZE Bulk Data Entry that is supported in the HyperMesh Optimization panel.
An advanced form of shape optimization in which a design region for a given part is defined and a pattern of shape variable-based reinforcements within that region is generated using OptiStruct.
The properties of structural elements such as shell thickness, beam cross-sectional properties, spring stiffness, and mass are modified to solve the optimization problem.
An optimization method wherein the outer boundary of the structure is modified to solve the optimization problem.
Uses a proprietary optimization technique developed by Altair Engineering, Inc. There are two types of Free-Shape Optimization, Classic and Vertex Morphing Free-Shape.
Multi-Model Optimization (MMO) is available for optimization of multiple structures with linked design variables or design domains in a single optimization run.
A novel solution to create blended Solid and Lattice structures from concept to detailed final design.
Reliability-based Design Optimization (RBDO) is an optimization method that can be used to provide optimum designs in the presence of uncertainty.
One Step Transient Thermal Stress analysis (OSTTS) calculates the displacement and stress history from a transient temperature history.
A comprehensive optimization solution aimed at guiding and simplifying the design of laminate composite structures.
A technique suitable for optimization of designs undergoing dynamic loads.
The following features can be found in this section:
A common discussion that arises when an optimization problem is solved is whether or not the obtained optimum is a local or global optimum.
As a result of an optimization run, OptiStruct produces one or more new design files depending on the type of optimization performed.
A semi-automated design interpretation software, facilitating the recovery of a modified geometry resulting from a structural optimization, for further use in the design process and FEA reanalysis.
Guides in identifying and solving commonly encountered errors during the OptiStruct run.
This section is comprised of error messages in ascending numerical order.
This section is comprised of warning messages in ascending numerical order.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding input entries, output entries, and parameters available in OptiStruct.
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
This manual presents solved verification models including NAFEMS problems.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding OptiStruct.
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