

Class System()

System(parent='MODEL', name='System_n', label='System_n', active=True, 
definition_name='def_sys_n', definition_file='', definition_type='', use_vx=False, 
use_vy=False, use_vz=False, use_wx=False, use_wy=False, use_wz=False, vx=0, vy=0, 
vz=0, wx=0, wy=0, wz=0)

Creates a MotionView system to hold different entities.

addAttachment, addDataSet, getAttachments, getCandidateList, getValue, setValue

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. System_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. System_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Boolean Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
definition_name String The definition name of system. def_sys_n for next available integer n.
definition_file String The full path of a file when the definition name is defined in a definition file. Defaults to ‘'. * definition_type (String) - Definition type of this system. ‘'
use_vx Bool Use initial translation velocity in x for bodies inside this system. False
use_vy Bool Use initial translation velocity in y for bodies inside this system. False
use_vz Bool Use initial translation velocity in z for bodies inside this system. False
use_wx Bool Use initial rotational velocity in x for bodies inside this system. False
use_wy Bool Use initial rotational velocity in y for bodies inside this system. False
use_wz Bool Use initial rotational velocity in z for bodies inside this system. False
vx Double Initial translation velocity in x for bodies inside this system. 0
vy Double Initial translation velocity in y for bodies inside this system. 0
vz Double Initial translation velocity in z for bodies inside this system. 0
wx Double Initial rotational velocity in x for bodies inside this system. 0
wy Double Initial rotational velocity in y for bodies inside this system. 0
wz Double Initial rotational velocity in z for bodies inside this system. 0

Readonly Properties

Argument Data Type Description
definition_file_modified Bool Specifies if the definition is modified after loading it.
linked_definitions Reference List of system handles which have share the same definition name.
is_linked Bool Indicates whether definition name of this system is used by any other system in the model.
atts Dict Dictionary of all attachment's local variable names and their handles.
dss Dict Dictionary of all dataset's variable names and their handles which are inside this system.
datas Dict Dictionary of all option's variable names and their handles which are on this system.


1. The parent parameter can only be initialized by the constructor and should not be modified directly.

2. Only parent can be used as a positional argument in the constructor.

3. Readonly Properties cannot be modified.


addAttachment(type='Point', value=None, candidate_tag='', **kwds)

Adds an attachment or a list of attachments to the entity.


type str Class name of the attachment to be added. Point if not specified.
value ** Value the attachment(entity handle) should be resolved to. None
candidate_tag String Candidate tag for this attachment.
att_list dict Dictionary of attachment variable names and attachments values. If you specify this argument you do not need any other argument.
name String Variable name of the attachment that is to be added. If the attachment with that name already exists then the attachment's value will be changed to specified value.


Returns None.

Return type:



Add a dataset to this system.


name String Variable name of the dataset to be added. DataSet_n for next available integer n.
label String Label of the dataset to be added. DataSet_n for next available integer n.


Returns the handle of the added dataset.

Return type:


export(filename, topology=True, data=True)

Exports system to an .mdl file.


filename str Path and name of the .mdl file
topology Bool Export topology information. True
data Bool Export property data. True


Returns None.

Return type:



Get a list of all attachment handles of type=type. If type is ‘' then returns all the attachments on this entity.


type str Class name of the type of attachment to be returned. Defaults to


Returns list of all attachment handles of type=type. If type is ‘' it returns all attachments on this entity.

Return type:


getCandidateList(local_only=False, type='')

Get a list of all entities with matching candidate tags for every attachment on this system.


local_only Bool Indicates to get only local candidates when True. False
type str Class name of the type of attachments that are to be returned. ''


Returns list of all attachment handles of type=type. If type is ‘' it returns all attachments on this entity.

Return type:



Returns value of an attribute.


name string Name of the attribute. Defaults to .


The return value. Return type depends on the attribute type.

Return type:


setValue(name, value)

Sets value of an attribute.


name str Name of the attribute.
value ** Value of the attribute to be set.


Returns True if the value was successfully set else False.

Return type:



Create and modify attributes of a System.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name = 'sys_1',definition_name = "def1")
>>> #Get value of an attribute
>>> s1.definition_name
>>> #Set multiple values at once
>>> s1.setValues(use_vx = True, vx = 100)
>>> #Add attachment to the System
>>> s1.addAttachment(name = 'att_point', type = 'Point', value = 'P_Global_Origin', candidate_tag="ap1")
<hw.mview.mbd.System.Attachment object at 0x000001AC54AB8438>
>>> #Add a marker to this system
>>> m1 = mview.Marker(parent = s1)
>>> #Using attachment handle as a reference
>>> m1.origin = s1.att_point
>>> #Create child entity using system variable name
>>> b1 = mview.Body(parent = 'sys_1',usecm = True)
>>> #Using attachment variable name as a reference
>>> = "att_point"
>>> #Create a System using definition file
>>> s2 = mview.System(definition_file = "systemexport.mdl", definition_name = "def2")
>>> #Create a body in Model and change its attachment candidate
>>> body1 = mview.Body(name= "body_1")
>>> body1.addAttachmentCandidate(attach_tag="ab")
>>> point1 = mview.Point(name="point_1")
>>> point1.addAttachmentCandidate(attach_tag="ap")
>>> #Add attachments to sys_1 with same candidate tags
>>> s1.addAttachment(name="attPoint", type="Point", candidate_tag="ap")
>>> s1.addAttachment(name="attBody", type="Body", candidate_tag="ab")
>>> #Use getCandidateList to get a list of all matching candidate_tags for each attachment on this system
>>> s1.getCandidateList()
['MODEL.sys_1._attBody_att', 'MODEL.body_1'], ['MODEL.sys_1._attPoint_att', 'MODEL.point_1']]


Class Attachment()

class Attachment(parent, name='Attachment_n', label='Attachment_n', 
active=True, type='Point', candidate_tag='', value=None)

Creates an attachment on an entity.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. It is a required parameter.
name String The variable name. System_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. System_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
type String Class name of the attachment type. Point
candidate_tag String Candidate tag for this attachment. ‘'
value Reference Handle of the entity to which this entity is resolved to. None


1. The parent parameter can only be initialized by the constructor and should not be modified directly and is a required parameter.

2. Only parent can be used as a positional argument in the constructor.


setValue(name, value)

Sets value of an attribute.


name str Name of the attribute.
value ** Value of the attribute to be set.


Returns True if the value was successfully set else False.

Return type:



Create and modify attachments on different entities.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name='System_1', label='System_1')
>>> p1 = mview.Point(name='p1')
>>> p2 = mview.Point(name='p2')
>>> #Create an attachment on System_1
>>> a0 = mview.Attachment(parent=s1, name='a0',type='Point', value=p1, candidate_tag='ptag')
>>> #Modify the attachment value
>>> a0.value = p2
>>> #Modify attachment tag
>>> a0.candidate_tag = 'ptag1'
>>> d = mview.DataSet(name = "dataset_1" )
>>> #Add attachments to the dataset using addAttachment function
>>> d.addAttachment(name = "point_attachment", value = p1)
>>> body1 = mview.Body(name='body_1')
>>> #Add multiple attachments using values of those attachments.
>>> #Following command will add attachment of type point with varname point_att and value p1 and
>>> #also attachment of type body with varname body_att and value body1.
>>> d.addAttachment(att_list = {'point_att':p1, 'body_att':body1})
>>> #Using addAttachment for an attachment that already exists will change its value
>>> #Following command will just change the value of attachment a0 on System_1 to p1 from p2
>>> s1.addAttachment(name = 'a0', value = p1 )

Attachment Candidate

Class AttachmentCandidate

AttachmentCandidate(name='AttachmentCandidate_n', label='AttachmentCandidate_n', 
active=True, entity=None, attach_tag='')

Tag any entity as a candidate to be used as an attachment when resolving an assembly interactively.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. AttachmentCandidate_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. AttachmentCandidate_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
entity Reference Entity on which this candidate tag is created. None
attach_tag String The variable name. System_n, for next available integer n. Defaults to ‘'.

Boolean Data

Class BooleanData()

class BooleanData(parent, name='BooleanData_n', label='BooleanData_n', active=True, value=False)

Creates a boolean entity.

Keyword Arguments:

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required parameter.
name String The variable name. BooleanData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. BooleanData_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
value Bool Value of the boolean entity. False


* parent is a required argument.


Create a Boolean data entity and modify its values.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> b1 = mview.BooleanData(parent = s1.ds1, name="b1", value= True)
>>> #Create a boolean data in System 1
>>> b2 = mview.BooleanData(parent=s1, name="b2", value=False)
>>> #Modify value of the entity
>>> b2.value = True
>>> #Another way to add boolean data to a dataset or system
>>> ds2 = mview.DataSet(name = 'dataset_2')
>>> s1.dataset_2.addData(type="BooleanData", name="bool_2", value=False)

Integer Data

Class IntegerData()

IntegerData(parent, name='IntegerData_n', label='IntegerData_n', active=True, value=0)

Creates an integer entity.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required parameter.
name String The variable name. IntegerData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. IntegerData_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
value Int Value of the integer entity. 0


* parent is a required argument.


Create an integer data entity and modify its values.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> i1 = mview.IntegerData(parent = s1.ds1, name="i1", value=2)
>>> #Create an integer data in System 1
>>> i2 = mview.IntegerData(parent=s1, name="i2", value=3)
>>> #Modify value of the entity
>>> i2.value = 5
>>> #Another way to add integer data to a dataset or system
>>> ds2 = mview.DataSet(name = 'dataset_2')
>>> s1.dataset_2.addData(type="IntegerData", name="r2", value=12)

Option Data

Class OptionData()

OptionData(parent, name='OptionData_n', label='OptionData_n', active=True, 
types=['Value 1', 'Value 2'])

Creates an option menu.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required parameter.
name String The variable name. OptionData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. OptionData_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
types list Labels for the option menu items. [‘Value 1', ‘Value 2'].
value StringData Value of the real entity. 'Value 1'.


* parent is a required argument.


Create an option data entity and modify its values.
>>> #Create an option data in dataset1
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> #Create an option menu with labels for option menus as val1, val2, val3 and val4
>>> od1 = mview.OptionData(parent = s1.ds1, name="od1",types=["val1", "val2", "val3", "val4"],value = "val3")
>>> #Create a string data in System 1
>>> od2 = mview.OptionData(parent=s1, name="od2", types=["Kinetic", "Potential"])
>>> #Modify value of the option menu
>>> od2.value = "Kinetic"
>>> #Another way to add option data to a dataset or system
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> s1.ds1.addData(type="OptionData", name="od2", value="Potential")
>>> Change the available menu labels
>>> s1.ds1.od2.types= ["Kin", "Pot"]

Real Data

Class RealData()

RealData(parent, name='RealData_n', label='RealData_n', active=True, value=0.0)

Creates a real entity.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required parameter.
name String The variable name. RealData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. RealData_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
value Double Value of the real entity. 0.0


* parent is a required argument.


Create a real data entity and modify its values.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> r1 = mview.RealData(parent = s1.ds1, name="r1", value=2.65)
>>> #Create a real data in System 1
>>> r2 = mview.RealData(parent=s1, name="r2", value=3.65)
>>> #Modify value of the entity
>>> r2.value = 5.87
>>> #Another way to add real data to a dataset or system
>>> ds2 = mview.DataSet(name = 'dataset_2')
>>> s1.dataset_2.addData(type="RealData", name="r2", value=3.96)

String Data

Class StringData()

StringData(parent, name='StringData_n', label='StringData_n', active=True, value='')

Creates a string entity.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required parameter.
name String The variable name. StringData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. StringData_n, for next available integer n.
active Boolean Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
value StringData Value of the real entity. ''


* parent is a required argument.


Create a string data entity and modify its values.
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> string1 = mview.StringData(parent = s1.ds1, name="str1", value="testVal")
>>> #Create an String data in System 1
>>> string2 = mview.StringData(parent=s1, name="str2", value=3)
>>> #Modify value of the entity
>>> string2.value = "modifiedVal"
>>> #Another way to add String data to a dataset or system
>>> ds2 = mview.DataSet(name = 'dataset_2')
>>> s1.dataset_2.addData(type="StringData", name="r2", value="Value 2")

File Name Data

Class FileNameData()

FileNameData(parent, name='OptionData_n', label='OptionData_n', active=True, 
ftype='OUTPUT', filter='All files (*.*)|*.*||', value='')

Creates a variable of type FileName.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
parent Object The parent. A required argument.
name String The variable name. FileNameData_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. FileNameData_n, for next available integer n.
active Bool Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
ftype list This argument decides if the browser is used to open a file or save a file. One of (‘INPUT', ‘OUTPUT',‘SINGLE', ‘MULTI'). 'OUTPUT'
filter list Filter for the file browser. 'All files'
value StringData File path saved in this data. ''


* parent is a required argument.


Create a filename data and modify its properties.
>>> #Create filename data in dataset1
>>> from hw import mview
>>> s1 = mview.System(name="System_1")
>>> s1.addDataSet(name="ds1")
>>> #Create a filename data to save a file.
>>> fd1 = mview.FileNameData(parent = s1.ds1, name="fd1", filter="*.txt", ftype="OUTPUT",value="C:/example.txt")
>>> #Change the file type
>>> fd1.ftype = "INPUT"
>>> #Change the filter
>>> fd1.filter = "*.mdl"