
Class Bushing()

Bushing(parent='MODEL', name='Bushing_n', label='Bushing_n', active=True, 
b1=None, b2=None, fx=0, fy=0, fz=0, tx=0, ty=0, tz=0, origin=None, ornt_meth='TWOAXES')

Creates a bushing.

Keyword Arguments

Argument Data Type Description Default
name String The variable name. Bushing_n, for next available integer n.
label String The descriptive label. Bushing_n, for next available integer n.
parent Object The parent. MODEL
active Boolean Used to activate or deactivate this entity. True
b1 Body The first body constrained by the bushing. None
b2 Body The second body constrained by the bushing. None
fx Double The initial force preload in the local X direction. 0
fy Double The initial force preload in the local Y direction. 0
fz Double The initial force preload in the local Z direction. 0
tx Double The initial torque preload in the local X direction. 0
ty Double The initial torque preload in the local Y direction. 0
tz Double The initial torque preload in the local Z direction. 0
origin Reference The location. None
ornt_meth Enum The orientation method. One of TWOAXES, ONEAXIS or ANGLES. TWOAXES
ornt_dir1 Enum The direction used to orient axis 1. One of X, Y or Z. Z
align_meth1 MultiRef Alignment method for axis 1. One of Point, Vector or DxDyDz. DxDyDz
align_pt1 Reference The point when align_meth1 is Point. None
align_vec1 Reference The point reference when align_meth1 is Point. None
ornt_dir2 Enum The direction used to orient axis 1. One of X, Y or Z. X
align_meth2 Alignment method for axis 2. One of Point, Vector or DxDyDz. DxDyDz
align_pt2 Reference The point when align_meth2 is Point. None
align_vec2 Reference The point reference when align_meth2 is Point. None
e1 Double The e1 Euler angle (z:x':z'') in radians with respect to rm. 0
e2 Double The e2 Euler angle (z:x':z'') in radians with respect to rm. 0
e3 Double The e3 Euler angle (z:x':z'') in radians with respect to rm. 0
rm Reference The reference marker when ornt_meth is ANGLES. Global_Frame
x1 Double The direction cosine x1 for axis 1. 0
y1 Double The direction cosine y1 for axis 1. 0
z1 Double The direction cosine z1 for axis 1. 1
x2 Double The direction cosine x2 for axis 2. 1
y2 Double The direction cosine y2 for axis 2. 0
z2 Double The direction cosine z2 for axis 2. 0
usr_type Enum User defined bushing type. One of GFORCE, VFORCE, VTORQUE or FIELD. GFORCE
user Bool Use user defined properties, if true. False
usr_sub Function The expression passed to the user dll. When using solver expressions, Templex syntax (within ``) is used and all variables are enclosed in braces {} and the rest is treated as literal. 'USER()'
local_funcname String The function/subroutine name. 'MOTSUB'
use_local_dll Bool Uses a local function instead of default if True. False.
local_dll File The path of the local dll which has the local_funcname. ''
local_func_type Enum The type of the user subroutine. one of DLL, PYTHON or MATLAB. 'DLL'


Instance Type Description
kx Nonlinear The bushing translational stiffness coefficient in the local X direction.
ky Nonlinear The bushing translational stiffness coefficient in the local Y direction.
kz Nonlinear The bushing translational stiffness coefficient in the local Z direction.
ktx Nonlinear The bushing rotational stiffness coefficient in the local X direction.
kty Nonlinear The bushing rotational stiffness coefficient in the local Y direction.
ktz Nonlinear The bushing rotational stiffness coefficient in the local Z direction.
cx Nonlinear The bushing translational damping coefficient in the local X direction.
cy Nonlinear The bushing translational damping coefficient in the local Y direction.
cz Nonlinear The bushing translational damping coefficient in the local Z direction.
ctx Nonlinear The bushing rotational damping coefficient in the local X direction.
cty Nonlinear The bushing rotational damping coefficient in the local Y direction.
ctz Nonlinear The bushing rotational damping coefficient in the local Z direction.
i Marker The marker on b1.
j Marker The marker on b1.
xaxis Vector The vector in x direction of orientation.
yaxis Vector The vector in y direction of orientation.
zaxis Vector The vector in z direction of orientation.


   >>> # Import mview module
   >>> from hw import mview
   >>> # Create dependancies and references for Bushing
   >>> b1 = mview.Body(name = 'body1')
   >>> g1 = mview.Cylinder(body = b1, origin = 'P_Global_Origin')
   >>> g1.setValues(align_meth1 = 'VECTOR', align_vec1 = 'V_Global_Z',length = 4)
   >>> g1.align_vec1.name
   >>> bush1 = mview.Bushing(name = 'bush1')
   >>> bush1.setValues(b1 = b1,b2 = mview.getModel().B_Ground)
   >>> bush1.origin = 'P_Global_Origin'
   >>> bush1.origin.name
   >>> # Set linear stiffness value
   >>> bush1.kx.lin = 100
   >>> bush1.kx.lin
   # Set nonlinear curve value for damping
   >>> bush1.cty.type = 'CRV'
   >>> c1 = mview.Curve(x_type = 'VALUE',y_type = 'VALUE',x_value = [0,1,2],y_value = [10,20,5])
   >>> bush1.cty.crv = c1
   >>> #Set interpolation type and independant variable
   >>> bush1.cty.int_type = 'CUBIC'
   >>> bush1.cty.int_type = 'CUBIC'
   >>> bush1.cty.indep_var = '`TIME`'
   # Set stiffness value as expression
   >>> bush1.kty.type = 'EXPR'
   >>> bush1.kty.expr = "`STEP5(TIME,0,0,5,25)`"
   # Follow similar procedure for BushingPair
   >>> b2 = mview.BodyPair(name = 'body1p')
   >>> bush2 = mview.BushingPair(name = 'bush1p',sym = 'LEFT')
   >>> bush2.sym
   >>> bush2.setValues(b1 = b1,b2 = 'B_Ground',origin = 'P_Global_Origin')
   # Set linear stiffness value for left bush
   >>> bush2.l.kx.lin = 100
   # Get value of attribute
   >>> bush2.r.kx.lin