Multi-Strand Elements

Create XELEM elements.

Restriction: This tool is only available for Radioss interface.
Use the X Elements tool to create Multi-Strand Radioss 1D XELEM elements.
  1. From the Model Browser, right-click Elements and select Create > ELEMENTS (HM) > XELEM from the context menu.
    The X Elements dialog opens.
  2. Create elements using one of the following methods.
    Create elements using node selection
    1. For Entity Selection, select Node.
    2. Select the nodes defining the XLEM element path.
    3. Select the Create Intermediate Nodes check box to automatically generate nodes between the selected nodes.
    4. If Create Intermediate Nodes is selected, enter a value for Node Distance.
    5. Click Create.

    The XELEM element is generated. The /GRNOD/NODENS node set referred into the XELEM element is also automatically generated.

    Create elements using a set selection
    1. For Entity Selection, select Set.
    2. Select a set.
      Note: Only /GRNOD/NODENS sets will be listed for selection.
    3. Click Create.
    4. The XELEM element is generated.