PDGS Reader

Supported Entities

Entities supported by the PDGS reader.
  • Entity #5

Import Options

The PDGS reader uses the pdgs_reader.ini file.
Value Description
double A negative value (default) indicates to use the auto cleanup tolerance. A value greater than the calculated auto cleanup tolerance indicates to use that specific tolerance. Refer to the CAD Import Options.
Value Description

Read color attributes of geometric entities as metadata with integer values.



Read color attributes of geometric entities as metadata.


off Do not read color attributes (default).
Value Description
Parts Generate a full part-based hierarchy.
BOMOnly Generate an empty part-based hierarchy.
TreeOfComponents Generate an assemblies/components based hierarchy.
PackIntoSinglePart Consolidate hierarchy into a single part.
Value Description
on Generate metadata with the original CAD hierarchy within the part.


off Do not generate metadata with the original CAD hierarchy within the part (default).
Value Description
string The string is prefixed to all metadata names. No prefix is used by default.

See CAD Metadata Naming for more details.

Value Description
double Define the model scaling factor during import.

Default is 1.0.

Value Description
Part Generate part-based component (only allowed value if CreationType=Parts).
General Keep component as in CAD (only allowed value if CreationType=TreeOfComponents).
Value Description
CAD units Keep the units of the CAD files (default for GUI).
MKS [m kg N s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
MMKS [mm kg N s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
MPA [mm t N s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
CGS [cm g dyn s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
MMKNMS [mm kg kN ms] Convert to the corresponding units system.
MMGNMS [mm g N ms] Convert to the corresponding units system.
IPS Std [in pounds lbf s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
IPS Grav [in slinch lbf s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
FPS Std [ft pounds lbf s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
FPS Grav [ft slug lbf s] Convert to the corresponding units system.
Scale factor Apply the corresponding scale factor (default for no GUI to allow supporting legacy scripts).

Supported Metadata

Metadata generated from the PDGS reader.
Type Entities Description
  • points
  • lines
  • surfs
Hierarchy of an entity within a part.

Generated when @LegacyHierarchyAsMetadata=on