Delete Entities

Remove entities from the model.

  1. Select entities.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click and select Delete from the context menu.
    • Press Delete on the keyboard.
    • Click in an entity view browser.
    When deleting certain entity types, you can choose to also delete associated entities from a pop-up dialog.
  • If a component or multibody is present in more than one assembly in the model, you have the choice of deleting that item from the database or deleting it from the present location only.
  • If the selected item has "children" associated to it, the children are retained and only the entity is deleted.

    For example, if a contact has a surface and node set associated with it, and the contact is deleted, only the contact card image is deleted. The surface and node set associated with it are retained. This is the same at both folder and individual entity level.

Find and Delete Unused Entities

Preview and delete unused property collectors, material collectors, curves, and so on.

Available for the following entities types in HyperMesh: System, Property, Curve, Material, Parameter, Block, Box, Encryption, Features, Field, Region, Contact Surf, Ply, Include file, Set.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select valid entities in either the Model Browser or Solver Browser, then right-click and select Unused from the context menu.
      Tip: You can select several entity types at the same time.
    • Select valid entities in the modeling window, then right-click and select Advanced > Delete Unused from the context menu.
    • From the Validate ribbon, click the Unused tool.
      Figure 1.

  2. In the dialog, select unused entities then click Delete.

Find and Delete Empty Collectors

Preview and delete empty collectors.

Available for the following entities types in HyperMesh: Assembly, Beam Section Collector, Component, Control Volume (OptiStruct), Group, Load Collector, Load Step, Multibody, Output Block, Set, System Collector, Vector Collector, Accelerometer, Position(Abaqus), Ply, Feature, Field, Region, Include file, Cross-Section, Plot, ConstrainedRigidBody.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select valid entities in either the Model Browser or Solver Browser, then right-click and select Empty from the context menu.
      Tip: You can select several entity types at the same time.
    • Select valid entities in the modeling window, then right-click and select Advanced > Delete Empty from the context menu.
    • From the Validate ribbon, click the Empty tool.
      Figure 2.

  2. In the dialog, select empty collectors then click Delete.

Delete Components and Unique Associations

Display a comprehensive preview of the entities uniquely related to components that can also be deleted.

Available for Components in the Abaqus, OptiStruct, Nastran, and LS-DYNA user profiles in HyperMesh.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select components in either the Model Browser or Solver Browser, then right-click and select Delete Advanced from the context menu.
    • Select components in the modeling window, then right-click and select Advanced > Delete Advanced from the context menu.
  2. Select related entities then click Delete.
    Both the components and the selected entities are deleted.